This is a Journal entry by Ozone
Ancient Egytian Religion
Ozone Started conversation Sep 18, 2002
Ancient Egyptian Religion is complex it is simply not possible to say (for example) Atum-Ra was the god of all gods. This statement would be true in the New Kingdom period but not in the Old Kingdom period. As the leadership of the country changed so did the religion (sometimes not dramatically).
A king of the time might have political allies with on sect, this sect might be based in one city, this one city becomes the capital. Thus the state religion.
It seems mind numbly complex but it is no more complex than the religions we have today.
If you where to explain the different Christian religions to a alien who know nothing about them you would make a list of:
Roman Catholic
Church of England
and so on............
When you think about Ancient Egypt it was much similar as what we have now.
It's just that we are the aliens that know nothing.
So in a hope to clear the confusion and make this simpler, I and Miztres will have a list of the Kings of Egypt (in chronological order), the state capital and main gods they worshiped.
Hopefully with this a meaning of those gods in that time period.
Hold on to your air supplied breathing apparatus this is going to take a while.
Ancient Egytian Religion
Miztres Posted Sep 20, 2002
I've copied this and will create the start of an entry with both our names on it. Let's see if you get access.
Ancient Egytian Religion
Miztres Posted Sep 20, 2002
Done. It's down the bottom of your space under Entries but I can't tell if you have editing rights. If not, when you have something to add, just put it in a conversation thread at the bottom and I'll add it as I find it.
You may note some square brackets in your text. If you ever see those, it's me asking you a question for editing purposes. Eventually, when I do that I will also change the colour so it stands out, but for now it's just in the same white text as everything else.
I hope you don't mind the changes, I think I kept the intend of what you were saying. The one thing I did pull out what the first person reference. Better now than hunting for them at a latter time if and when you want it to go into the edited guide. At the moment, you may notice, I have the Review option turned off so scouts won't come snooping.
What else...oh yes, if you have anything on paper you want typed up, I'll do it. In the meantime, I'm going to sink myself into some Ozone...don't worry, I'm wearing my gold lined suit with Helium buffer...but it does make my voice sound funny.
Have fun!
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Ancient Egytian Religion
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