This is a Journal entry by LegersV007

formula to life

Post 1


Jerome K. Jerome wrote: "Throw the lumber over, man! Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need - a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends, worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you, a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink; for thirst is a dangerous thing"
This passage is an incredible teaching on how to live a good life with out problems when being mature and successful. However, I do wonder is there a such thing as good life for a young guy when he is growing up and matures??? As it looks from my own experience, there isn't. Constant worries about the future and realization how delicate the road to success is sometimes unberable.

formula to life

Post 2

Number Six

Jerome K Jerome's brilliant, isn't he? Reading 'Three Men in a Boat', it never feels like he was writing over a hundred years ago, does it?

smiley - mod

formula to life

Post 3


Never. As a matter of fact, every bit of his conclusions on life were and still are true. For example the tooth brush is always my problem. I never know if to pack it at night or in the morning before leaving. In first case, I'll have to unpack the baggage and I'm way too lazy to do so. As for the second, I'll most likely to over sleep and forget the tooth brush at all.

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