This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Nov 11, 2012
Oh I believe it. Lingerie football is right up there
with mud-wrestling. What I can't believe is that anyone,
man or woman, could wear so little in mid-November.
Be careful with your close-ups, wouldn't want to see
all the goose-bumps.
Glad to hear you're doing well and happy in your work.
Geggs Posted Nov 11, 2012
Hi zoomer!
I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't heard from you lately, and the Non Seq thread was the worse for it.
How are you doing? How is the freelance life going?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Nov 11, 2012
Hi Geggs!
Right now it feels like a stay at home vacation, with a few days thrown in where I work with old friends on good projects. I expect that will change but for now I enjoy it thoroughly. I am still on company medical coverage for another 5 months so I am filling my quota of massages, chiropractic, dentistry and glasses (they are all subsidised but actual full medical care is paid for by the government here). My limited pension from my old employer kicks in December 1st and my equally limited government pension in the New Year. Combined they will keep me off the street as it were and the freelance stuff will let me do extras. In short I am happy and a bit busy, which is just about right I reckon.
I expect to spend a bit more time here, which is another reason for me to be happy.
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