This is a Journal entry by Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Sweet Sixteen

Post 1

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

My eldest daughter turned sweet sixteen yesterday!

Don't that make me feel old.... time for the walking stick and the briar pipe I think (except that I have a 7 and 4 year old to keep me young smiley - winkeye).

Such events do make one reflective though. I don't know why but I have been blessed by a mature, thoughtful and beautiful young woman. It certaintly isn't my parenting skills that's for sure.

I often wonder what highs and lows life will have in store for her? All I do know is that I can't live her life for her, or my ambitions through her. She will walk her own road and all I can do is watch and lend what little wisdom I have when she falls into the many puddles and briar patches along the way.

Ain't life wonderful?

Matholwch /|\.

Sweet Sixteen

Post 2

Gone again

smiley - ok

Sweet Sixteen

Post 3


smiley - love


Sweet Sixteen

Post 4


Wow! smiley - biggrin Did she have a big birthday party?

I wish her all the best as she navigates a world filled with increased transportation costs, but with no political voice and a few token 'rights' to make it worth the extra 40p a day.

I wonder what it's like to have a druid as a father? Hmm... I the phrase 'dad the despotic druid' rhymes wonderfully, so there must be some truth in it... smiley - winkeye

Seriously, I want to adopt some kids of my own when I'm older, so feel free to keep us posted on the cooler aspects of having a sixteen year-old daughter! I want to be prepared - I'll probably need all the time from now until that day...

- Jordan

Sweet Sixteen

Post 5


It must be very difficult to let your children go and make their own way in life, yet so very essential. Well done, you sound as though you have a great attitude towards your children and they are lucky to have you as a father! smiley - oksmiley - magic

Sweet Sixteen

Post 6

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Gang smiley - biggrin.

She only had seventy of her closest friends to a little do in a friend's father's warehouse. You know how it goes, three live bands, a rock DJ and a ration of two cans of weak lager each...smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

She's well in with a number of local bands so they're performing for free, as is the DJ. None of my doing, she's arranged it all herself.

As for having a despotic druid for a dad, well you'd have to ask her. Perhaps if she happens past here some day she'll tell you.

I must also not take credit for her upbringing. Her mother and I parted company 13 years ago, though I've tried to keep in close contact ever since and be as supportive as a father can be when kept at arms length by the CSA.

Ho hum, such is life. Yet I am very lucky to have such a splendid girl, sorry woman, as a daughter.

Matholwch /|\.

Sweet Sixteen

Post 7


hi Math,

Will you adopt me please? smiley - smiley


what is the CSA?

Sweet Sixteen

Post 8

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Azahar smiley - biggrin.

No, you'd be older than your adopted mother and that's just weird....

The CSA is the Child Support Agency, an organisation that is supposed to ensure absent parents help to support the children they leave behind.
Unfortunately it has an accuracy rate of less than 22% in its calculations, and only pursues the easy cases. It has over 1.5 million cases just hanging in limbo at present.

They have assessed me over 15 times and are yet to get it right. Twice they demanded I pay my ex-wife more than I actually earn. In the UK they have driven over thirty absent fathers to commit suicide by their stupidity and inflexibility.

As you can tell they a raw nerve with me. I shall shut up now...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Matholwch /|\.

Sweet Sixteen

Post 9

Noggin the Nog

It doesn't rhyme Jordan; it *alliterates*. smiley - smiley

smiley - ok Math


Sweet Sixteen

Post 10



I figured as much. That it was a social service organization that does little to serve the society it is meant to be serving. As many of them tend to be. Unfortunately.

I can't imagine you not helping out your daughter from a previous marriage as much as you can. Yes, having to fork out more than what you earn is sheer stupidity. I just hope Hoovooloo (Member) never sees this thread or there will be a major rant happening! smiley - biggrin

Hey, I wouldn't mind that my new step-mother would be younger than me. As long as I could be assured of all the love and kindess and support you so obviously give to your children. And well, also my own flat and a monthly allowance of possibly more than you earn. smiley - winkeye

Sorry, just kidding. I think you have every right to feel upset about that. And I feel upset for you too.


Sweet Sixteen

Post 11


Conga Rats to you and yourssmiley - smiley Bright blessings on her futuresmiley - biggrin
Here's wishing her magic smiley - fairy in her life and always a light to light the path - even if she doesn't follow it. Oh and huge amounts of chocolate cake that never put weight on her.smiley - cake

Sweet Sixteen

Post 12

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Congratulations to her, Matholwch!smiley - magic

Sweet Sixteen

Post 13


wow people like me!! fanx 4 all the good luk and that chocolate cake that dosnt make me fat sounds ace!! wots it like avin a druid 4 a dad? well its interesting, too say the least.... we always have interesting stuff 2 talk about. bein 16 is ace 2 but it dosnt really give me any more rights or privilages than being 15 did. still in the world of being an ignored child lol. ahh weell fanx 4 all the nice messages about me smiley - smiley

Sweet Sixteen

Post 14

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Spiritual_onionrings smiley - biggrin

You deserve it kid! I couldn't be prouder of you.

Daddy Matholwch /|\.

Sweet Sixteen

Post 15

Gone again

Resident daddy of this parish? smiley - biggrin


"Who cares, wins"

Sweet Sixteen

Post 16


smiley - wow You're his daughter?

I'm going to have to explode quietly for a bit. This is all a bit much. Two from the same family? We could barely cope with Math alone!

smiley - headhurts

I remember being sixteen well - everything cost more, but I couldn't actually do anything I couldn't already do when I was fifteen! I mean, what a stupid paradox! I was furious every time I went ice-skating or to the cinema, or even on a bus, and got charged more for the privilege of having two years to wait to receive full citizenship.

- Jordan

Sweet Sixteen

Post 17

Ragged Dragon

Hi there, Onionrings (may I call you Onionrings?)

I hope you keep posting - we're friendly, and we'd love to hear from you - and not just about your dear old dad smiley - smiley

Jez - just another of the weirdos that Math knows smiley - smiley

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