This is a Journal entry by McKay The Disorganised

The Wedding

Post 1

McKay The Disorganised

Well its been a couple of weeks now, and they're due back from the honeymoon on Sunday.

The day went really well, it was raining when we arrived, which made it a bit dodgy getting out of the car, and under cover, but by the time we came out the rain had stopped. This meant loads of photographs outside, then by the time we got to the hotel the sun was shining so we could take photos on the lawns.

The lad looked absolutely fantastic in his kilt, and all the women wanted to take him home with them, he went round with the guest book getting people to sign it, chatting away with everyone, and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

The bride looked lovely, the speeches went down well, nobody got stupidly drunk, the food was good, and everybody seemed to have a good time.

1 down - 4 to go.

smiley - cider

The Wedding

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Wot, no fights? smiley - tongueout

The Wedding

Post 3


Terrific! Were you a suitably corny bride's father?
Tell us more, what did she wear etc etc!

The Wedding

Post 4

McKay The Disorganised

She wore a big white dress. I wore a kilt.

I was under very strict instructions for my speech - KEEP IT SHORT !

I will provide a link for piccies when they get back of their honeymoon and get it sorted.

smiley - cider

The Wedding

Post 5

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oh McKay you are disorganised .... the instruction was for the kilt ..... KEEP IT SHORT!!smiley - rolleyes

Glad everything went well - did you cry?smiley - cry

smiley - mouse

The Wedding

Post 6


Do you have pictures?

The Wedding

Post 7

McKay The Disorganised

I only cried a little. The photographer was arranged by the couple, so we've not seen any yet, apart from a few on some myspace sites belonging to some of their friends.

I'm picking them up from the station tonight when I finish work, and taking them home.

Actually - I think I took a couple at the hotel - I'd forgotten about that.

smiley - cider

The Wedding

Post 8

You can call me TC

Only now do I see what I put my parents through. Having a daughter leave home and get married must be far more smiley - love-rending than when a son flies the nest. So far, I have had no pangs about my sons setting up homes themselves - and I maintain that I would have been exactly the same if I'd have had girls. But we parents are obviously not programmed that way.

My thoughts are with you tonight, Mackay, as you drive to the station and pick up the parents of your future grandchildren.

And speaking from my own experience as a daughter - please don't expect her to have any idea what you're going through for at least another 20 years or so.

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