This is a Journal entry by McKay The Disorganised

I may be some time.....

Post 21

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I'll get the witchdoctor beads out and wish for a clear good day on Tuesday and that you get put through on that day...smiley - oksmiley - hug

Have some smiley - redwine.I hear that in small quantities it's good for the heart...smiley - biggrin

I may be some time.....

Post 22


That's awful, to have the build up & then postponement. At least it's only a few more days, not weeks or months.

I guess that first on the list means last food the evening before & probably not much sleep. Hope no more delays.

I may be some time.....

Post 23


So today is the day!

Hope you're doing fine, McKay. smiley - hug

Looking forward to your return and hearing all about it.


I may be some time.....

Post 24

McKay The Disorganised

I went down to surgery 08:30 Tuesday morning - the surgeon, Mr Dimitri was able to perform the operation "beating heart" - so I was only under for 3 hours. I was then in Intesive care for 20 hours, then 24 hours in step down, 34 hours on ward and I'm now back home.

Weak as a kitten still, but disorganised as ever.

Look forward to talking more with you all soon.

smiley - cider

I may be some time.....

Post 25

A. Honeybadger

Wow, McKay - that's some quick turnround time!

Glad you're home safe and sound, and getting stronger bit-by-bit every day. smiley - wow

I may be some time.....

Post 26


See, I *told* you that you were going to be fine smiley - smiley

Welcome back smiley - cider

I may be some time.....

Post 27

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Pleased to hear you are back..the Goodhealth curse I wished for you on my original witchdoctor beads worked then? smiley - ok

I may be some time.....

Post 28


Great to hear that you're still in action. Make the most of your convalescence - hope you're enjoying the benefits of your new improved circulation!

I may be some time.....

Post 29


Yay! smiley - boing

Mind you don't overdo it too soon.

I may be some time.....

Post 30


Glad to hear you're doing okay, McKay. smiley - hug

Best wishes from both me and Noggin.


I may be some time.....

Post 31

McKay The Disorganised

Thanks everyone - last stitches out tomorrow - then they want me to try something called "walking" - I believe you have to leave the computer to do it smiley - huh

smiley - cider

I may be some time.....

Post 32

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes


for he's a jolly good fellow...

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