This is a Journal entry by Alfredo

Spring awakens old passions

Post 1


Although it is still January and I even lóve strong winters with snow smiley - snowball and ice, the singing of the birds smiley - tit awakens a passion in me, that I thought I had definitely left behind; outdoor life in wild nature.smiley - bluebutterfly

When I was 38 I had a girlfriend and because of that relationship I discovered my great love for nature and especially, wandering through nature; walking long distances -like in the Pyerenees - and bicycling even longer distances and enjoying camping-life and meeting fellow outdoor people.

Because of extremely bad sleep smiley - fullmoon since 1996 this passion had to slipp away and around 2000, I finally could cope with that. A sense of calm returned in my heart.

By accident this passionate love is suddenly back in my heart and it doesn't feel good at all.
It's passed and should remain like that, unless something véry unexpected should happen, but I'm definitely nót gonna "wait" for that.
Waiting is selfburrying to me.

Nature was freedom smiley - orangebutterfly for me and to me, a living song smiley - musicalnote, adventure, an intimite place smiley - moon, a lifelong friendship, a metaphor for many things in my daily life, a fairy tale smiley - crescentmoon, a place for struggling, surviving and feeling proud, a place for making love and crying, etc.

It was a home for me, as I had never experienced before.

Now these days h2g2 compensates that a bit for me, besides writing stories, photography,etc.
But it doesn't come near..

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Spring awakens old passions

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