This is a Journal entry by Fish's Freak
And the winner is...
Fish's Freak Started conversation Nov 10, 2005
Me! I'm off home this weekend to collect my award for being a smartarse. And it's going to be sooooooo good to see my family again. I can't wait.
Just thought I'd share that tiny moment of happiness.
And the winner is...
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Nov 11, 2005
award for being a smartarse ! ooh
(you have no idea how many tries it took me to spell applause right)
And the winner is...
Fish's Freak Posted Nov 13, 2005
Thanks! Although the award ceremony went on for two hours, and mine was the last one...
Oh well. I went to the pub afterwards and had a debate about the Chinese 'One Child' policy, which totally made up for it.
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And the winner is...
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