This is a Journal entry by Fish's Freak

Getting round to things...

Post 1

Fish's Freak

...that I should have done before, like writing this entry. I've been really busy though - I just moved to Uni, and escaped Fresher's Week relatively unscathed, although it feels as though several months worth of experience have been crammed into seven days.

I love it here though. Well, so far. smiley - erm My flatmates are all fantastic - in fact, the whole block is brilliant. And they made me a birthday cake! I was over the moon at that.

And I know simple things please simple minds (or, probably, Simple Minds please simple things), but the team I was in won the pub quiz! Woohoo!!! smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault

Anyway, I'm off now to get this bandage off and see if my hand has healed enough for me to do the washing up...

Toodles. smiley - biggrin

Getting round to things...

Post 2


Hey! What uni are you at?

I just started at York myself.

Getting round to things...

Post 3

Fish's Freak

You write about it for the Post, yeah? smiley - biggrin

I'm at Lancaster. I can't believe it's gone so quick though, I'm going home next week for christmas and it seems like I only just got here.

Getting round to things...

Post 4


Yeah, I do.

Lancaster? I won't mention the result of last year's Roses tournament then. smiley - whistle

Getting round to things...

Post 5

Fish's Freak

smiley - tongueout I'm not that much into sports, anyway.

I was slightly worried when I moved here that my Yorkshire accent would cause a stir, but no-one seems to notice.

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