This is a Journal entry by ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms
ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms Started conversation Jul 28, 2003
1. Thought a lot about moving, but didn't really want to quit my job, despite whatever I may have said on the subject.
2. Got made redundant, so that solved that problem....
3. Decided to move, broke the news to people and contacted the real estate agents.
4. Sold the flat in a week, found somewhere else to live in the UK and went camping.
5. Bought the tickets to move over (30. August), bought the tickets to go back over christmas (22. - 27. December) , and am now contacting the shippers.
A productive couple of weeks, really!
pilot747 Posted Jul 28, 2003
I know how you feel because I felt the same way when I moved to Lux. but when I lived here(Luxembourg)for around 6 months I had loads of friends and also you get used to the fact that you live in a different place and things are different so you should just have fun in a new place
ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms Posted Jul 31, 2003
yeah, it really does! I've got all kinds of plans that your mum would completely understand, but that you'll probably find far to obsessive and boring, and I'm really excited...
In any case, it's all happening soon. 30 days now...
cheers ismarah
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