This is a Journal entry by ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms


Post 1

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Many have heard the old joke about pro and con being opposites, and congress then being the opposite of progress. What about the words bankrupt and corrupt. Where does the word bankruptcy come from?
Not nearly as funny, but still interesting. Please tell me if you find out...
cheerssmiley - disco ismarah


Post 2

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

As far as I remember, the word "bankrupty" is based on the italian language. People who lent money to other people did this outside, sitting in front of a house at a wooden desk (banca). In case that they ran out of money and had to stop, this desk was broken - "banca rotta".

Please tell me, if I'm wrong, I just remember this pretty vaguely...


Post 3

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Sounds like a good theory smiley - smiley
cheerssmiley - disco ismarah


Post 4

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

*smiley - smiley and waves in a north-western direction and would like to be there*

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