This is a Journal entry by ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

What to wear- pt. 1

Post 1

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Ok- here goes: I'm going to France for a wedding. I'm highly excited, having never been to France before. However I don't really know what to wear. This may seem strange, but I'm one of those people that think black looks really good with some more black. I probably can´t be called a goth (or a git, which is what I typed the first time), since I last listened to NIN when I found out an ex had cheated on me (hence the ex) and I needed some release other than violence, and anything heavier than that is not really my cup of anything (I don't drink tea). But then again, I've got your average (girly) piercings, tattoos and bad attidude (I assure you). So what shall I do? I´m not planning on showing up at the wedding in black tatters, sooty, flipping people off every chance I get. But is it ok from a sartorial point of view, taking into account the occasion, to wear a long, black, strappy dress, with all the appropriate knick-knacks: shoes, hair, make-up etc? I do wonder. One thing I know for sure though: NO hats!

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