This is a Journal entry by Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

Settling down

Post 1

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

I've finally begun to pick some pattern out of the Chaos here at H2G2. My first day it was very simple to just see the absolute Chaos of the whole picture, than the intricate patterning of the pieces. I've started to lay down some familiar trails for myself, as well as exploring deeper into the varied depths of H2G2. Mainly, I still have to pace myself, least I end up too far off the beaten path and not able to find a way to return again.

Thus far I've been using bookmarks to keep track of my favorite places, which does not transfer well when I am at work or at home, so rather than trying to duplicate my bookmarks I believe that in the near future I'll try and embark on applying GuideML to my introduction. Hopefully eliminating the need for bookmarks entirely.

Well, t'is time I was off exploring again. Keep posted for changes coming in the near future.

-- Carnel

Settling down

Post 2

Dancer (put your advert here)

It's nice to see you settling in and discovering the place.

I think it is a good idea (replacing the bookmarks with your front page, and, optionally, a links page as well.

You can see researchers' homepages to see some examples.

smiley - hsif

Settling down

Post 3

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

As per making a links page, well I've considered that, but I don't see how to do it without making it a guide entry. And even then on how to make it feesable even as a guide entry. But then again I've had very little sleep in the past few days so I may not be functioning at optimal condition.

-- Carnel

Settling down

Post 4

Dancer (put your advert here)

Oh, it is ok to make it a guide entry. I put to waste tons of guide entries.

I think that Youre mixing guide with edited guide.

Go see my page, U126945 and see how meny guide entries I have and what they contain, and how meny edited entries I have, and how different they are...

smiley - hsif

Settling down

Post 5

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

Yeah, I'll more than likely create a guide entry for my links. But lately I haven't had the attention span to work on it. I haven't been getting the sleep I needed and can't concentrate on anything. Which makes listening to customer's at work very, very, hard to do. Hopefully after this weekend I'll be able to get some more sleep and get something done.

-- Carnel

Settling down

Post 6

Dancer (put your advert here)

What's your position at work?

smiley - hsif

Settling down

Post 7

Dancer (put your advert here)

You deal with customers, so I guess the tech support, but somehow I got a first impression that youre a technical writer or a writer for tech support, in both cases you don't deal with customers.

smiley - hsif

Settling down

Post 8

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

Nope, I do phone tech support for an ISP. I wish I was a tech writer or writer for tech support. But mostly I deal with the customer's directly. Actually, it's for a company that's outsourcing but can't say who naturally. smiley - winkeye

-- Carnel

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