This is a Journal entry by Flanker

Which Way

Post 1


A number of years ago I had a life threatning illness - Which I beat smiley - biggrin.

I now am leading a comfortable life smiley - ok . Now I have been asked to front a Self - help group in my area. It would mean hard work and long hours.

Should I go for it ??

What do think?

Which Way

Post 2


do it :O)

Which Way

Post 3


If you feel like it smiley - winkeye

Which Way

Post 4


Try it, and if you dont like it you can always stop.

smiley - star

Which Way

Post 5


I don't think it's as easy as that ... but I suppose if I made it clear from the start the this was a "trial period"

Which Way

Post 6

It's all too much.....

MUCH respect for beating the illness mate

smiley - cheers

Less respect for fancying Felicity K.

Good luck with whatever you choose.......

Which Way

Post 7


I think you should go for it as people would benefit from your experience and feel less isolated.
All the best
Researcher 215421

Which Way

Post 8


Hi Researcher 215421,

Thanks for that. I am looking into it to see what (if anything) I can do, and then I'll take it from there.

smiley - cheers

smiley - surfer

Which Way

Post 9


Keep me informed, hey?

Which Way

Post 10


I will do smiley - ok

smiley - surfer

Which Way

Post 11


Dear Friend,
I've written an Entry I'm told is good; as a Newbie I would appreciate your opinion. It's A934508.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

Which Way

Post 12


Hi James ,

I've just read your entry "Cover-cover" and it is very interesting.

Remember to watch your spelling 'thought you've misspelt Opponent in the line '1) Divide the pack between yourself and your oppenent/s.'

This apart I like the way you handle the description of how to play.

I am not a Sub_editor, though if you go to ,

you can learn more about them there.

smiley - surfer

Which Way

Post 13


smiley - smiley I'll sort it out.
You mean though not thought, though, am I right? smiley - laugh
All the best,

Which Way

Post 14


Yes smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

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