This is a Journal entry by valravennz

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Post 1


This is my first entry and it is going to be brief - Still exploring this site, which is really neat and weird - but feels like "home" already. The cool NZ Winter weather is upon us and the first of many e**ms smiley - sheep will know what that means smiley - smiley Will add more when time permits.

First Entry

Post 2

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

"first of many e**ms smiley - sheep will know what that means"

I always thought they were cleaver wee things smiley - winkeye

First Entry

Post 3


Hi there Apparition
Yeah the smiley - sheep ARE clever wee things...more so
than those "boundy" things across "the ditch" me thinks smiley - winkeye

smiley - flansmiley - tennisballsmiley - runsmiley - sheep

smiley - smiley

Valraven (who really thinks that smiley - cats are the most intelligent!!)

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