This is a Journal entry by ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose


Post 1

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

An advert for the Creation Station in business language (with lots of shun noises).

We are the creation station of the revolution solution, a fusion of the contusion of confusion. This citation's creation's original situation was the confusion station of the creation station. Your contention is over comprehension or your tongue's contusions. Am I right or what?

(BEWARE BEWARE the gerbil cried
As the moth shied from the heat of the flame
For those too beautiful are doomed to die
So no mortal will know your name)


Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Why oh why did I convince you to come back, you wierdy-beardy twisted person!


Post 3

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

You love it!! smiley - cuddle


Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

Heh, well, y'know...


Post 5

AK - fancy that!

I don't want to even begin to attempt to try to have a go at possibly beginning to prepare to decipher that.


Post 6

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I think I'm gonna print this, then put it somewhere where I'll come across it when I'm drunk and/or stoned.


Post 7

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

smiley - biggrin Wahey!


Post 8


'wahey' sound best in a high squeaky voice, like you've been sucking helium or you're really really high.


Post 9

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

I can't agree more, Wonko. I think you've just shed light on a very difficult subject for all of us.


Post 10


smiley - wowsmiley - biggrin

*squeaks* Tang!


Post 11

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

smiley - bigeyes

Exactly! It's nice to hear some decisive comments for a change!

Also... and this may be an earth-shattering revelation for you, Wonko, but Tang backwards is Gnat.
I really should go to bed now... *forces herself to turn off the computer* Spk soon..


Post 12

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

...I'm so confused...


Post 13

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs



Post 14

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*pats Cat-Eyes on the shoulder*

It's alright. It's not for everyone to comprehend the divine mysteries.

*looks crossly at Ralph* Stop it!


Post 15

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I'm not an idiot! I'm jus... smiley - yawn just... smiley - zzzsmiley - zzz


Post 16

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

there there... of course you're not an idiot. No why don't you take this lollypop and go play with your ball?


Post 17

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - rofl


Post 18


smiley - wow... gnatang...

*eternal sunshine*


Post 19

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs



Post 20

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

smiley - bigeyes Arse!

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