This is a Journal entry by Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight


Post 1

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

What gives you hope and comfort?
What helps you live trough hard times?smiley - star


Post 2

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

...apart from towels?


Post 3

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

Yes! smiley - disco Happy New year 2003! smiley - rose
Tell me your dreams !
smiley - towel


Post 4

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

wow, smiley - disco! Although it looks more like a hat with a large flashing flower, seen from above...

happy new year also; this year's dreams include, nothing disastrous happening. (I hope we don't get a magnetic-field reversal, for instance.)
And I will be launching my website this year, officially, so I hope that goes well.
as for hope: thinking of things that *haven't* gone wrong gives me hope. Losing something, briefly- just long enough to be worried- then finding it again. Rainbows.


Post 5

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

Hello Again!
Hope is a light when it is dark...
smiley - discoI Think!
Nice to hear from you, and I wish you all the best of luck with your website and everything!
Rainbows and small things found ...romantic!
Hope is different for different people...I hope for you and for me and for the world,because inside us all there is hope!
What´s up?
My life is rather hectic now after the Christmas vaccation.../goodnight ! smiley - towel /towels&pillows


Post 6

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

Rainbow ....Like a bridge...
Hope is what´s left when you don´t believe anymore and when things haven´t happened yetyou hope for them......and love, is my hope too.....smiley - hug
Sweet dreams! smiley - sleepy


Post 7

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

rainbows... (not seen one for a while, but now the sun is coming out again who knows) in some traditions they are bridges, but only the correctly-qualified can cross them.

It is odd that, most people appear to *lose* hope if something does not happen soon. For me, it's like it hasn't happened yet, and it's been ages, so it must be getting closer. Hence increased hope.

smiley - biggrin

Hope...Hello! Hi! Tjohooo!

Post 8

angelof 2nd moon

I just jumped in from a trip on earth and I think as long as you don´t get bored it´s still hope for you. The sun over the second moon is kind of greyish -green and I like earth sunsets better.bUT wHAT I don´t like is mosquitos....Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz aouch!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - angel

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