This is a Journal entry by Misswilliams23


Post 1


Well, this is my journal, I have no idea what this site is about, I would love to know how you make a fancy page like I've seen everywhere! Is frustrating to say the least because I thought I was literate until now!! If anyone has any help or tips cos they have been there please do tell!! smiley - smiley


Post 2

Captain Kebab

Hi! I spotted your comment in the Astrolgy Challenge thread and just dropped by to say hello. You'll find answers to all kinds of questions about h2g2 here . My best tip is this - if you want to know anything you can ask anybody here - if they don't know they'll point you at somebody who does. smiley - smiley

If you want to get back to me, just click on the reply button, or if you click on my name at the top of my message you'll be transported to my space. If you want to put fancy stuff on your space you need to change your space from 'Plain' to 'GuideML' which is the code used here - you'll find buttons at the bottom when you edit your page to do this. It's quite easy to learn the basics - has a lot of advice on how to do it.

One handy shortcut is to find a user space with stuff that you like and have a look at the code. For instance, my home space is at . If you replace the 'U' in the address with 'testuserpage' like this: you can see the code that was used to do it.

Hope that helps a bit. smiley - biggrin

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