This is a Journal entry by Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I saw a ......

Post 1

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

On Friday night, my pal and I are at her folks on the PC. Next to me is a sideboard, level with my face. We were laughing and making loads of noise. I turned to get my wine glass and came face to face with a field mouse!!!!EEEK!smiley - yikesFive inches from my face!Of course, I did the girlie thing and shrieked, smiley - runrunning from the room. So by this point everyone in the house knows theres a mouse. My pals dad then tries to scoop it up and it jumps down the back. But he pretends to catch it and throw it outside. So while everyone is in the other room, we start trying to locate......there!Under the bed!So we're giggling cos we don't know what to do. I open the patio door in the hope it'll run out but that only scares it the other way, into the kitchen where everyone else is.Screams and stamping of feet!
Apparently(!) it ran out the front door!Don't know if I believed that but the person whose room it was then convinced that the house was infested! What a laugh!smiley - silly

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