This is a Journal entry by Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

Caleb 16

Post 1

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I've been reading Caleb 16's views on homosexuality. It has stirred up alot of trouble. His opinions are his own and when I was 16 I know I could come out with shocking remarks.

I reckon he is experiencing a little anxiety, probably cos of his age. Someone thought he might be repressed. I reckon he's just brainwashed cos of religion. I hate religion. It is a destructive and corruptive influence in our world.

Yes ...yes...I am being opinionated. But at least I'm doing in my space and not out there in the forums just to kick up stink. Caleb...tut-tutt. Shame on you for "stirring it up".

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