This is a Journal entry by Saturnine

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 21


Labels are pointless anyway dude...
Im guessin you are the kinda guy that just likes what he likes... and is just basically original.
I fall into the Punk catagory... I dont like being called a punk, or punker, i like to be known as punk though.... i know im flogging a dead horse, but, ah well lol

Knowing your age is important if your apllying for a job or somet like that, but i imagine you are probably employed ins ome field anyway.

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 22

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

I'm sat in work now as it happens, if you can call night shift at a call center work.... most of the night is quiet enough I just read or browse (work restricted to BBC, book of the moment Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, DNA (rereading)). However, I wouldn't exactly call it a field... more a barren wasteland smiley - winkeye

Whats your excuse for being up at this time ? Oh studenthood of course smiley - biggrin

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 23


I wouldnt mind being a call centre agent.... Its on of the apprenticeships that my local careers office is gonna set me p with if they get any vacancies... i enjoy office work... decent enough money.

Im up cause i cant sleep, too much stuff on my mind... a girl mainly(you know how it is when youre 17 lol)... I aint a student yet... gonna go to college after summer to do Music and Brooadcasting Technology.... Until then, im lookin for a wee job... need money oh so badly lol

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 24

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Call centers work is real easy or nearly impossible, I find it easy, but a mate baz, who is in some aspects technically better at the job than I am, can't cope with the people who phone in, and gets really stressed, haven't seen him for a week so either he quite or is ill, next day off I'll visit and check on him...thanks for reminding me smiley - winkeye Though one word of warning I give anyone equiring about call center works is be prepaird to think worse of people, I mean I'm in a directory enquirey type service, and people have phoned up and asked "whats the number for 999" this isn't an office story it happened to me (three times this year alone). But sat's already heard all about this from me before... so I'll stop there. smiley - smiley

I'm sure if you learn music you'll get yourself thrown out of the punk scene, its in the rules somewhere, you know the ones written in blood and vomit on the torn beer mat stapled to back wall of... smiley - cheers

Some of the best (and worst) songs have been written about girl trouble smiley - winkeye


Another day, another hairdye.

Post 25


Whats the number for 999?
THats probably people just messin bout, innit? lol
I reckon i could handle that... i dont angry really easily, and if i do get angry, i can keep my cool really well if i put my mind to it... But, i guess it could get stressful. I hope yer mate is ok.

I dont believe there are any rules to punk... punk is a state of mind, it aint a sound... And this course i wanna do is mostly radio related anyway.
I would like to be in a punk band that is musically brilliant... just to break the "rules" a bit.
Punk needs to be brought out of the state its in just now.... Punk bands all sond the same nowadays, and it aint rebellious like it used to be. It needs to be more provoctive

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 26

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Sadly no it isn't people making a joke, this is reality, people are THAT stupid (see what I mean about thinking worse of people smiley - winkeye).

Baz'll fine, I've been expecting him to quit for the past couple of months.

I'm not so sure punk has really changed, but the medium has changed, IMO punk should only be listened to live in small crowded venues, anything else can't hold the atmosphear together well enough. Personally I think most music is best live, however I still buy cd's, aquire mp3's etc, because while I would prefer it to be live; I still want music.

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 27


smiley - laugh


smiley - laugh

Sorry. Just makes me laugh.

Another day, another hairdye.

Post 28


*Joins in*

99% of the 'punks' I've met wouldnt know a real'un if he came up and nutted them.

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