This is a Journal entry by LhasaUbuntu, motivational waterer, pimento bounty hunter
My name and my cat
LhasaUbuntu, motivational waterer, pimento bounty hunter Started conversation Jan 30, 2002
Ubuntu and the percussive feline.
I just became aware that the second half of my name could have been seen as somewhat offensive, particularly to North American women. I in no way was attempting to be one of those people that feels the need to be abrasive in their own opaque witty way. Sorry about that, my cat is acutely percussive in a verbal manner. He'll bark like a chimp, whirr like a small whirring thing and make noises similar to an internet connection dial-up. Since he's quite obviously not a cat but an alien using the cat vessel I figured I'd include him.
Ubuntu one three
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My name and my cat
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