This is a Journal entry by Cassius


Post 1


It turns out that I've made a bit of a mistake. Rather than changing fifteen cards a week, I was supposed to change fifteen cards IN TOTAL. If I had been restricted that way in the Odyssey Arena, I wouldn't have won a single game. What this means is rather than change fifteen cards this week, I've got to change a load back...

To keep: Terminate, Tahngarth, Stone Rain and the Nightscapes. That’s thirteen cards. I think Malevolent Awakening and a fourth Petravark would also be beneficial.

I can only take out the spells that combine with the other cards really badly. The Soul Scourge gets more of a look in this time because I have recently learnt that if you play it then sacrifice it, a player looses three life permanently. Here’s what I ended up with

Main deck

12 Swamp
9 Mountain
2 Tainted Peak

2 Firebolt
4 Stone Rain
1 Demolish
2 Malevolent Awakening
2 Flame Burst
4 Terminate

4 Nightscape Familiar
3 Mesmeric Fiend
3 Barbarian Outcast
1 Gravegouger
1 Pardic Collaborator
4 Petravark
3 Faceless Butcher
1 Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
1 Chainer, Dementia Master
1 Petradon


2 Rancid Earth
2 Pyromania
1 Shades Form
1 Caustic Tar
1 Flaming Gambit
2 Temporary Insanity
1 Enslaved Dwarf
1 Slithery Stalker
1 Pardic Collaborator
3 Soul Scourge

Thankfully it's over all effectivness hasn't been affected too much. The Soul Scourges have the ability to remove Psycatogs which should prove quite useful.

I learnt what I was doing wrong last Thursday. Won three, lost one. I hate Upheaval.

I have been working in what I call my McArthur deck. Tell you about it later.



Post 2


Faceless Butcher. Not Soul Scourge. Sorry.


Post 3


No. I was right the first time.

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