This is a Journal entry by Elfrida

Off camping!

Post 1


*sets off briskly in south-westerly direction* See you when I get back! *waves*
smiley - elf

Off camping!

Post 2


I'll wave as you go past my door!
Have a good time and don't get a crick in your back

Off camping!

Post 3


You are totally nuts in the head!!!

Try not to get eaten alive my midges and mosquitos.

ANd come back soon.

you nutter . . .


Off camping!

Post 4

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

Dear lord.

I hope that the weather is better than it is here.

Although you could go for a combination camping/dinghy boating holiday- just turn the tent upside down and go!

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