This is a Journal entry by Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama
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Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Started conversation Aug 22, 2005
Has it really been *that* long since I last wrote a journal entry?
I meant to write a journal when I first felt my babe move, but never got round to it...
Maybe I'll post some poetry at a later date.
The babe (desperately trying to refrain from calling her the word that AR1 despises so) is growing well and currently exploring my ribs and liver with her strong little feet.
I've been singing to her every day in the hope that she'll recognise the song when she's born and it will help to calm her.
I've had a bit of hassle about booking a homebirth (being told that there isn't enough staff blah blah blah), but telling my midwife, whilst smiling sweetly, that I was going to have my baby at home, and it was up to them whether or not they sent a midwife out to attend me and one ars*y letter later and I was informed that they've sorted it out and unless there's an emergency, I *should* be able to have my baby at home.
*Wondering what sort of 'emergencies' may arise to enable them to get me to go in to hospital*
I'm now entering the *huge* phase of my pregnancy.
The whole world and her husband have been irritating me with "have you got long to go?" and variations on "you're really big, it must be twins!"...
Amazing how many people are experts on pregnancy!
You wouldn't walk up to someone in the street and remark on how bald they were now would you??
There's also been some hassle from an ex of mine. He contacted me to see what I was up to these days (I haven't seen him for about 5/6 years), and when I told him about the pregnancy, he then started emailing all sorts of nasty, snidey comments about me (like he always thought I was a bogus individual... ). He obviously couldn't deal with the fact that I'm pregnant, and not by him - years ago he asked me to have his child after I spent hours telling him I didn't want to see him any more...
I got really angry and told him where to go, and now I feel loads better!
Must be part of my emotional clutter clearing before the babe is born!
Time's flying by...
zendevil Posted Aug 22, 2005
Well, you've done that now, so sit back and think nicethoughts & enjoy what's going on!
good to hear from you again, i was wondering how it was going.
Say "bonjour" to the babe from me!
Time's flying by...
Sho - employed again! Posted Aug 22, 2005
oh it's so exciting to be at this stage of pregnancy.
When people commented on the size of mine (half an elephant, apparently with #1, hardly showing the day before #2 was born) I just used to ask them which orifice they wanted my electric screwdriver inserted into.
As for the Ex - enjoy getting rid of emotional clutter.
a new baby is always so exciting!
Time's flying by...
Websailor Posted Aug 22, 2005
The last couple of months seem to go on forever, and I got sick of being asked was I overdue (being somewhat huge!) and when I went 10 days over that was a real drag. All worth it though
Block your exes emails - you can do without that at any time, but especially now
So glad you considered AR1's sensibilities, mine too, I have to say
Good luck with your home birth. Keep us posted - like as it happens
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Aug 23, 2005
Hi everyone!
The emotional clutter clearing has been trying at times, but feels very cathartic. After I had all the horrible emails from this ex (who is now teaching yoga and should know better!) I did a burning ritual - I wrote his name down, how I felt and words of forgiveness. I then burned the paper in my garden.
After a few hours I felt less angry and could smile about the whole situation. I had an email from him later that day apologising for getting in contact in the first place.
I've loved being pregnant, but I have to admit to looking forward to getting my body back! I'm *really* looking forward to being able to lie on my stomach or back without the use of many cushions and beanbags!
I'm planning on having a belly cast done - I met a ceramic artist in Glastonbury who offered to do a cast of my Bump. I'm going to hang it on the wall and freak everyone out!
I like the idea of using it as a 'nest' for the babe when s/he arrives... or using it as a mould to make easter eggs! Imagine how big they would be!!
Time's flying by...
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Aug 24, 2005
Dearest Leopardskynfyn,
What a perfectly splendid idea!!. A cast of your lovely "bump". and to fill it with Easter eggs sounds absolutely perfect. I wonder if plaster is such a good idea . Won't it stick.?
Thank you for observing my "sensibilities".- and websailors!!. I am sure that your little one will be much happier.
I wonder if you have decided whether to feed her/him or not. It is so much easier. Much healthier, you never have to heat up the milk, nor sterilise the container!!. and if you are very clever, you can go back to sleep whilst feeding!!.The only problem is that it takes a little while to get your figure back. But I honestly think it makes for a much healtheir infant.
A home birth seems to be so alien to the Western mind. I actually never had one but I am sure that I would have been able to cope as I had mine in the days of Grantly Dick Read's "Natural Childbirth".So basically did the work and the staff only had to separate Mum and baby!!.
Oh that quite divine, delicious joy of holding one's darling in one's arms. I get weepy at the memory of it.
ing thoughts with you all.
Also Ran1
Time's flying by...
Sho - employed again! Posted Aug 25, 2005
oh a Tummy egg....
A friend of mine was pregnant and had a baby shower, and they made a cast of her bump... used it as the basis for a pinata!!
I love the idea of using it as a baby nest though - but you know, once they come out of that little space, they're never fitting in there again!
Time's flying by...
I'm not really here Posted Sep 1, 2005
I remember well the use of the word snotling. I'm sure it was directed at my child on a number of occasions!
Good luck at this late stage Fynn, have you got to the point where your belly button pops out yet? I hated that, but luckily it didn't happen until right at the last minute. I also hated not being able to go all night without a wee - no matter how much I piddled in the day, I *still* had to get up at night.
I hope it's all still going well, and I hope you get your home birth. I asked for one, and was told I couldn't have one as I'd registered at a hospital that didn't cover my area. My mum persuaded me that I should go into hospital because of my asthma anyway, and as I wanted a water birth I agreed. Then I didn't get one in the end.
I've probably bored you with this before though, sorry!
I'm thinking of you over the next few weeks, and I look forward to seeing the baby once she's here. I'll bring the camper down and camp outside your door until you let us in.
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 1, 2005
Hi Christiane, Sho and Mina!
I've recently got back from a few days camping in the Lizard, in Cornwall - I've been having cravings to be near the ocean. I went to the beach one day and dug myself a hole in the sand, lay my Bump in it and was able to lie on my front for the first time in months!
I felt like a turtle digging a hole to lay her eggs in...
As to feeding, I intend to breastfeed, not least because it's easier!
I just don't see the point using cow milk when women produce their own which is specifically designed for their babes.
My navel isn't sticking out yet. I've been watching it's progress with fascination though! It's always been deep, I've been watching it get more and more shallow as the weeks go by, and I had to admit defeat and take the ring out of it a few weeks ago lest it tear.
My aqua-natal teacher told me that when she was pregnant quite some years ago, she put a plaster over her navel to prevent it protuding and showing through her dress. Her aunt was appalled - "but how does the baby breathe?!?!!?"
It's a shame I haven't been able to see you Mina. We'll have to make up for it after the babe is born!
Time's flying by...
I'm not really here Posted Sep 1, 2005
I look a bit different now.
I've had to cut my hair.
I've saved it, and will be down soon, for you to reattach it.
Time's flying by...
I'm not really here Posted Sep 1, 2005
I caught headlice from a niece. Remember I was worried about that because of J's age when I had it done? She's the same age now as he was then. I just couldn't get rid of them so I've had to cut it all off.
I miss long hair and I want them back!
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 1, 2005
I live in fear of getting lice!
Mind you, I have been going through the annual "should I cut my hair?" thing myself...
Time's flying by...
I'm not really here Posted Sep 1, 2005
Well, I didn't have to shave it, but it's def not more than two inches long...
I was very careful, I won't even let people on the train rest their hair next to me. It happened on a camping holiday, she'd probably dropped on on a chair I sat on or something, as I knew she had them (sadly not until I got there) and kept my distance.
Time's flying by...
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Sep 1, 2005
Dearest Leoparskynfyn,
What a wonderful story about the turtle and you!!. Both "laying" your eggs. But you will not rush back into the waves letting the little "turtle" fend for itself and be made into soup and all the other delicacies which people like!!.
Thrilled about the breast feeding. Quite the wisest decisiion. Hope you have been given some instruction as to how to "harden" the skin so that it does not crack under the "pressure".
I am so pleased that you went to the Lizard. I loved the area. It is very like Cape town.
Tomorrow I have my second two hour "learning how to walk" session. I have been trying to gather up the courage to write about it. I burst into tears last week it was soooooooooo sore. But after all I had not walked for over five years. I have been practising all week, with considerable pain. I wish I knew if that was the right reaction. I hope it is only my muscles being exercised and not my joints breaking -up again!!.
Keep well my love - not much longer.
With much affection
Time's flying by...
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Sep 1, 2005
Oh how wonderful to read all of this.
I am glad you are well.
Breastfeeding was just touted as havng another benefit the other day.
Darn- it. Sure wish I could remember what it was.
It made perfect sense but had been a new "proof" of some sort of extra benefit.
I love the idea of having the casts of your tummy made when pregnant.
I am sure the baby will not fit back into it but a little bottom holder to sit in for a picture could be adorable
Hope the ex stuff is finished.
Nice he apologized and hope it sticks.
He really should know better!
I liked your idea for helping to rid yourself of the moment through the burning.
Nice to see you pop up.
I will look forward to more details
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 2, 2005
So what are you going to do with your hair Mina?
Burning it (outside! stinky!) would be very cathartic.
Have you got a pic? I want to see what you look like now that you've been shorn!
Time's flying by...
I'm not really here Posted Sep 2, 2005
I've got a couple on a film I'm waiting to be developed, I'll make sure I send you one before I have anything done.
I don't think I'm ready to burn the dreads yet (are you sure they can't be sewn back on if I put lots of little plaits in? ), but I'm planing to look into getting extensions. Although I've been told I look 'younger', 'more modern' and 'better' with short hair I don't want to keep it like this.
Once I've got the extensions, I'll just start dreading the roots again! I'm not sure if hair has to be a certain length to add extensions on to, and of course, I need to leave it a couple of weeks to ensure my head is clear.
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 3, 2005
Extensions are a much better idea than sewing your old dreads back in. They're a lot lighter and come in funky colours too!
Plus the fact that if you cut them off because of the lice, do you really want to re-attach them with dead bodies in?
You don't need much hair to add extensions to if you have them done professionally, but as far as I know that's pretty damaging as they tend to melt them on to your hair.
If you plait them in, you'll need about 3-4 inches of growth.
Time's flying by...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 3, 2005
I don't like the sound of having to 'harden the skin' in preparation for breastfeeding!
*has visions of sandpapering nipples*
Do be careful with your 'learning to walk' sessions Christiane.
You know that you are a Dancing Queen to me, so take it slow and one step at a time please!
I'd hate it for you to over-tax yourself.
You could try taking homoeopathic arnica after your practice sessions, which may help with the soreness in your muscles.
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Time's flying by...
- 1: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Aug 22, 2005)
- 2: zendevil (Aug 22, 2005)
- 3: Sho - employed again! (Aug 22, 2005)
- 4: Websailor (Aug 22, 2005)
- 5: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Aug 23, 2005)
- 6: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Aug 24, 2005)
- 7: Sho - employed again! (Aug 25, 2005)
- 8: I'm not really here (Sep 1, 2005)
- 9: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 1, 2005)
- 10: I'm not really here (Sep 1, 2005)
- 11: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 1, 2005)
- 12: I'm not really here (Sep 1, 2005)
- 13: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 1, 2005)
- 14: I'm not really here (Sep 1, 2005)
- 15: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Sep 1, 2005)
- 16: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Sep 1, 2005)
- 17: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 2, 2005)
- 18: I'm not really here (Sep 2, 2005)
- 19: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 3, 2005)
- 20: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 3, 2005)
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