This is a Journal entry by March Hare

Darkness Grows

Post 1

March Hare

smiley - moon
Much like moss, actually.
As we trudge toward solstice, I am reminded of what it is to be situated on the 45 degree line. Winter is a harsh thing here. And it hasn't even snowed yet.
smiley - monster
Why is it always autumn? It seems that I drop out of Guide existence, then I pop back up in autumn, and then I disappear by January. I hope I don't disappear by January. It gets a bit disheartening to think that I do, for once in my life, make an effort to make myself accessible - personality-wise - and still no one approaches me. Well, almost no one. The people that do end up being quite busy. I know I haven't done a lot of Guide entries or anything else that gets me *noticed*, but I am out there.... It's okay. I don't get much notice in the real world, either. Just would be nice to find a community where I actually exist.....
smiley - dontpanic
Time. That is what I need. Time. Time suspended, or time pockets, or some other physics-defying trick wherein I can amass six hours out of one without suffering the adverse effects of things like aging or missing my baby's development or anything silly like that. Time to get house chores out of the way, which would pave the way for the time-pockets in which I would learn and work on the projects at hand. Painting projects or plaster carving one day, Guide entries the next, welding on et another day, continuing my computer-related education yet another day.... That would be the thing. Yup. Why couldn't I have been born an elf? Some years ago, probably four or five (before the Movies were out), I had been reading The Hobbit, I think, and I had a dream that I was in the house of Elrond.... Don't remember much of it, but it had been a cool dream. Oh, to visit there, and pull time from where there was none....
smiley - elf
I think now I'm babbling. Perhaps I should check on my Cube entry. And perhaps I should give thought to what changes to make, how I should revamp my space here. Should it still be the Almost Fascinating Burrow-Tree? Should it be something else? Should I make a whole network of entries? I do have a list of places & people in the works.... going to take quite a while to sort, though, seeing as how it's almost entirely composed of links.
smiley - ufo
Does anyone have food for thought? Ideas for walls? Anything? Give me something to feed on. My brain is waking from a long slumber, and I need philosophical fodder. Dancer mentioned on his page that I am good for consultation on spiritual matters. I don't know anymore. No one has sought such consultation from me, or indeed has sought any consultation from me on any matter, in quite a long time. Is there anyone who has questions? In need of advice? Make me think, people, make me think! I beg of you, work my rusty neurons, that they do not fade to my great-grandfather's fate. I am young yet, but disintegration begins early, and in a subtle matter. The writings of Tolkien alone are not enough to keep my mind at work.
smiley - cappuccino

MH out

Darkness Grows

Post 2


I didn't know we were on the 45th parallel.

That can be a problem with people that approach you (or me) is that they are busy. They are busy because they are the type of people that approach people and they become involved and overextended with all those people that they approach.

I just spent a week and a half in southern california. The weather was in the 60s an low 70s, mostly sunny tho it did rain a couple of times. The air there is sort of damp and dry at the same time. It seemed unnatural that it should be so warm and sunny, and yet the sun still sat fairly low all day and sank before 5pm just like here.

Darkness Grows

Post 3

March Hare

The interesting thing is that the further from the equator you get, the more stark the difference between summer and winter. And the closer you are, the less the difference. In Alaska, the difference is extremely notable: In winter, there are perhaps 6 hours of daylight; in summer, the sun does not set until 10 or 11 at night depending on where you are. In the South (U.S.), the time of sunset varies by only a couple of hours.

The 45 degree marker is actually right in Roseville, by Falcon Heights. Runs right through the Cities. But as we're landlocked, we don't get the same weather as, say, London, and many plants that would normally grow on our line won't because it gets too cold. Several species of evergreen, for example, such as many types of holly; kind of sad, that it's only needle-bearing evergreens that survive here and are truly "evergreen".

At least we're on the good side of winter solstice.

If all the people who approach people are too busy, where are all the ones that would have the time? I realize this is kind of a self-nullifying question, but.......

smiley - bunny

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