This is a Journal entry by TheDistrictWitch

PRIVATE - DIARY 31-08-01

Post 1


Hey! Quit being so nosey! Can't
you read? This is my did
say it was private!

Oh well, now you're here, you may
as well continue reading...just don't
do it again! smiley - biggrin

Mmmm, another flat tyre! We had to
pay £10.00 for some superglue and
a plaster to fix a puncture! I pointed
out I could buy superglue and
some platsers for less than that
and the price dropped to £7.00! smiley - cool
I'm sure the employees who fix tyres
have nails in the pockets of those
baby gro's they wear, and throw them
in front of the wheels as we drive away!
Maybe the police could employ them
to slow down car theives!
Glad my Dyson does'nt ever have
this kind of problem!


Dylan (the mad cat) fell half way
down a tree, but somehow got stuck
on a branch! By the time we went
to rescue him...armed with cat
crunchies and smelly cat food...
he had managed to fall down the
bottom half of the tree! He was
ok, not a whisker out of place.

Me and Chris went to Bradwell, but
managed to forget the map...Ive got
no sense of direction, so needless
to say, a 1 hour journey managed
to take three!


Good day today! Went to my sister-in-laws
wedding dress fitting, and she looked
beautiful. Then went girly shopping
for underwear and make-up with her
and my mum-in-law.

Came home, got soaking wet from
walking to town in a thunderstorm
with hubby...wheres the summer gone?

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PRIVATE - DIARY 31-08-01

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