This is a Journal entry by Jenny *luvndaisies*

A Day of NOTHING! (not a Seinfeld episode)

Post 1

Jenny *luvndaisies*

Stop the presses! Wake the children, they will want to see this! Call the folks and tell them to tune in...


No you read that right! I took a day off...for no particular reason other than I WANTED TO!

No doctor's appointments. No errands to run. No place I needed to be.

IT ROCKED! What did I do on my day off? Well here is a brief synopsis (with some small things omitted because they don't really matter)

10:30 am - woke up
11:00 am - actually got up...made scrambled eggs
11:15 am - got a call from a friend/co-worker to tell me they missed me at the office (aww...they missed me)
Noon - began countdown to the start of afternoon soap operas, began drinking an entire pot of coffee all by myself
12:30 pm - aforementioned soap opera watching commenced
2:00 pm - realized I had neither gotten dressed nor brushed my teeth or hair, did quick scamper from living room to bathroom
2:15 pm - emerged from bathroom in sweats and hair pulled into a rather cute ponytail
3:00 pm - resumed soap opera watching
4:00 pm - had a moment of brain flatulence and actually put a load of laundry on to wash...oops...
5:30 pm - went to check the mail
6:00 pm - watched the evening news to see what happened in the world while I was loafing
8:00 pm - realized I hadn't yet had dinner...heated up soup and called my mommy!
8:30 pm - began watching a movie on cable...ate popcorn...ahhhh
11:00 pm - movie ends, take nice bath.
Midnight - sitting here typing this silly journal entry and sad because the day is officially over...whatever shall I do...


smiley - diva

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A Day of NOTHING! (not a Seinfeld episode)

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