This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Clutter clearing

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Made a big effort to start to tackle my clutter recently - Life Laundry and all that. I think I need a plan. My living room and bedroom look much better now, although there is still stuff to do even there. Tapes and books in the bedroom and the remaining papers in the living room.

Next stop, I think after that will be clothes, followed by toys, then books and photographs.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 2

Trout Montague

We move house every two years or less. Keeps our stuff down to less than 10 cubic metres.

Heaven help us if we settle.

Clutter clearing

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've been here almost seven years. It's books and clothes that are the main culprits. I need a skip (almost)!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 4


I know exactly how you feel Zarquon. I have just completed a similar exercise. I can now walk from my bedroom door to the window without fear of tripping over anything on the way - even with the lights off. How long it will stay like that is another matter.

Computers and bits of them were my problem, not to mention books, hundreds of them. Came accross Treasure Island which I first read forty years ago. Might give than another read when I get the time. smiley - pirate Had a ruthless clear out and now I cant find anything.

Seven years - a mere blink of an eye. I'm living in the same house I have lived in since I was three years old. Imagine how much clutter you can accumulate in that time!


Clutter clearing

Post 5

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - blushI know! I have three independent bookcases and two built into alcoves and I could probably fill another two with the books there isn't room for on the existing ones. Something's got to go.

I cleared my bedroom out yesterday and I can do the same! I had the ironing board in there together with loads of ironing to do. It's not in another room, but at least my bedroom is clear.

Today, two large bags with jackets and other stuff went to the charity shop. There's much more to do. It does feel good going it though.smiley - smiley I'd like to be a bit more ruthless than I am. I like to sort through it first, which I'm told is deadly.

Since you were three? smiley - wow

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 6


Since you were three?

I find it somewhat amazing myself sometimes. But it does include the 22 years I spent in the Army. My Mother passed away recently, so now I have inherited the house. I'll have to have a serious think about what to do in the New Year, but you do tend to become attached to things after all that time.


Clutter clearing

Post 7

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Ah, attachment. You've hit the nail on the head there, stuart.

One thing I will find it very difficult to throw out is stuff my brother gave me. He died a long time ago. He was in the NAAFI on a ship and I've letters and all sorts of mementos from him. Nothing is together, so maybe I will get the letters together and throw the rest away.

Together with attachment comes a sort of locking up of your energy. When you let go your clutter, you free up energy. I'm sure how that's how it works and I expect to gain a lot of energy when I've finished. It does feel a bit better already.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 8


I don’t know about freeing up energy, you are probably right though. It’s a bit like ending a relationship. Painful at first, but you get used to it in time.

Having said that. When I said my Mother died recently, that was my step-mother. My natural Mother died when I was eighteen months old. I have many mementoes of her. Photographs, letters and the like. I could no more throw them away than cut of an arm and throw that away.

But something has to go! I keep reminding myself of a little bit of wisdom you have probably heard before; "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life."


Clutter clearing

Post 9

Trout Montague

The problem is the legacy we leave to our children. So much baggage ... we just pass on the burden of jettisoning stuff. Is it fair to them?

Clutter clearing

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, I'm absolutely certain that clutter is indicative of stuck energy, for instance, holding onto things can symbolise not being able to let go of past relationships, fear of loss, etc.

DMT, I quite agree. I knew of someone whose mother died when she was a baby and her father made her a little memento box, with photos and even some of her perfume, which I thought was a nice touch. It must be tough not remembering you mother properly, stuart. I agree there has to be a balance.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 11

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

The clutter's on hold at the moment (or taking a different direction) as I've a more urgent problem - mice - in my food cupboard. I'm clearing it out, buying plastic storage for cereals and anything chewable (I can't believe how difficult it is to buy tupperware type stuff to store cereals in the shops). The pest control people come in on Monday morning. I need to look at the cellar, which is where I'm told they're likely to be coming from.

First we'll need to get rid of them, then to rodent proof the house - fill holes, etc. smiley - yuk

In the meantime, I've a door to plane the bottom from, take hardboard panels off and then rehang.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 12

Trout Montague

Won't you take the panels off your door before you plane it?

I always feel sorry for the mice.


Clutter clearing

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - smiley Yes, I'll take the panels off first, plus the door stop thingie at the bottom.

When I pulled the door off (it came off one hinge because young smiley - fish was used to shaking the door backwards and forwards), I heard a noise in the ceiling like the sound of young smiley - fish jumping up and down, followed by a squeaking. I have elephant mice! smiley - sadface

I do feel rather sorry for them, however they bring disease. The environmental health officer told me some horrible things about their habits, such as peeing everywhere. smiley - yuk

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 14

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Well, the panels are off and I've mostly cleared the panel pins, except for those I can't get a purchase on. May have to knock those it and hope no-one notices. There's more work to be done, as the door underneath has been modified to take the window and I think there's a fair bit of filling to be done. Still once it's done, it will be better than it was!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 15

Trout Montague

Is it an old door that's been modernised with hardboard panels?

Or is it a DIY-shop door you are just upgrading?


Clutter clearing

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I had a new carpet put down in the dining room, which made the door a bit hard to close. Young 'un pushes and pulls it with great rapidity (or did). I told him that if he kept on doing it the door would come off its hinges. The door came off one of its hinges.

It's an old door that someone had inserted a window in and panelled over. It looks awkward and ungainly. I took off the panels and door furniture. I'll need to do some filling around the window bit, as whoever did it wasn't very accurate. Once its done and painted and put back (I trimmed the bottom so hopefully it won't stick now) it will look lovely.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 17

Trout Montague

Is the glass set in the door, i.e., recessed from both sides?

Clutter clearing

Post 18

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes it is, DMT.

After I took the hardboard panels off, the quadrant is proud of the rest of the door by the thickness of the panels. I need to fill around between the quadrant and the rest of the door in parts as well.

As I had a really busy weekend, it will have to wait until next weekend.

I have the Pest Control people coming in first thing tomorrow.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Clutter clearing

Post 19

Trout Montague

You might do a better job by replacing the 'quarter-rounds'. Give you some practice with a saw too.

Clutter clearing

Post 20

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes, this is true, DMT. Generally speaking, I am quite good at DIY, when I'm organised and motivated. I've had a busy weekend, so I've not made the time to do it.

The glass in it is quite heavey - the sort that is wavy on one side. Obviously the person who fitted it has put in normal quarter rounds and then extended it be a thin strip next to the glass, so that it fitted the extra bulk of the hardboard panels. I'll think about it once I've rehung it, I think.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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