This is a Journal entry by The District Mob (jarve 'n co)
Me and the net.
The District Mob (jarve 'n co) Started conversation Jun 4, 2003
Well, what do I do one the net?
Well, I admin a site called sharpmail, the webmaster who built the site is now a good mate of mine, comes over every other weekend and gets twatted!
The easy life
What else do I do? Well, I go on the clubbing forums, post pics and I generaly be an arse!!!
As per..
What else can I tell you all without picking up a stalker?? lol! well, I go on the under belly sites ie; rotten as I have an interest in all things macabre. Though it doesnt make me a devil worshiper, lucifer is wrong....
Dont ask me what that bit above is all about! LOL!!
What is on my favourites bar on the net..
hacking sites
astalavista securty protal
anon proxies
animationj studio s.cuts
self destructing e-mail site
Me and the net.
~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ Posted Jun 7, 2003
Hiya Jarve,
how are you? thanks for the msg, i havnt been around here for a bit..i lost my old page because i got a new digibox (b*****ds)! couldnt remember the pw or login name! anyway i have this page now with a link back to the old 1 so not all bad
anyway long time no here! did you enjoy your wild weekend with Brat?
ive been busy up to no good in various ways which you might find amusing..with the help of friends on pc lmao i might discuss that with you in email, may even enlist your help if your going to twist my arm
i have loads of people/conversations to transfer to my new page so i will sign off for now take care speak soon
Me and the net.
The District Mob (jarve 'n co) Posted Jun 7, 2003
Yes I odnt mind helping you out with the pc wehn you get one.
Recoverd after the 520 round trip journey from brattys mid week after ide been. Off out tonight to the parlez-vous club. Held in a wharehouse, proper underground n all! GOtta big house party after starting at 6am SUnday, gonna be a good one! Dj's etc wahey! What you up to? Basking in the sun??
Me and the net.
~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ Posted Jun 7, 2003
basking in the sun? are you mad? im a id
fry! lol
i suppose this is a fleeting visit so ill get straight to the point of the moment (more of course will follow when you have time to chat lol)
the address to LD msgn and chat..come on you know i want it, give give please lol i lost some mail in my email so i dont have it, the pc will do its only a matter of time
however if youve any useful links i can use in my email all donations gratefully recieved lmao thanks
Me and the net.
The District Mob (jarve 'n co) Posted Jun 7, 2003
Log into cwc ld as per usual. Then cut all the url down til you get to the username bit ie; Mark__jarve&ldsec=3
265134 would be mine. Then before the member name part paste in so it looks like this and then press enter and voila!!!
Me and the net.
~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ Posted Jun 7, 2003
your a top bloke!
will have that looked into later by 1 of my erm..(what was it Brat said you referred to him as? lmao)! lol
ok just came in to see whats going on, im off again have a good weekend and ill stalk you later lol
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Me and the net.
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