This is a Journal entry by The District Mob (jarve 'n co)
mint chocs
The District Mob (jarve 'n co) Started conversation Aug 7, 2001
yumy these chos are nice: well since i quit smoking a month ago ive put 3quarters of a stone on! FanTASTIC! should look like arnie s in no time!!
mint chocs
dizzyandbob Posted Jul 28, 2002
well its got to be better than your bloody aint it and wish you wouldnt f
ing swear on here di has terrible time when she blushes ......ROTFLMAOPMP
mint chocs
The District Mob (jarve 'n co) Posted Jul 29, 2002
There is a word, and its called
Did I get away with that one..?
Or do I w8 4 the death threats?
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mint chocs
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