This is a Journal entry by Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 13, 2003
Jimmy writes haiku... I'll draw that one to his attention. Apparition, your misplaced post seemed
ly appropriate.
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Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Nov 13, 2003
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 13, 2003
Oh yes. I had a nightmare and it came true! Oetzi has followed me to *every* thread! (Except thank God, this one...) He's shouting spite on the mass debate thread, and *everywhere*! Help!!!
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Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Nov 13, 2003
Della, Sorry to lurk.
He has been making trouble on the "What's Wrong with Canadians" and another Canadian thread. He has been reported, but, so far hasn't been stopped. He seems to have it is for Anhaga and Rev. Paperboy, too.
... he even flooded on the Jimster's threads....
Anyway. Just to let you know you aren't alone.
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Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Nov 13, 2003
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 13, 2003
Yes, I've just been to a couple of threads, he was there an hour ago, and leaving insane ravings, some addressed specifically to me. birth was indeed a model citizen by comparison!
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Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid Posted Nov 27, 2003
We're not keen on cats App.
But I'm glad you've got yours back.
And App....we might disagree politically but....get back posting man!
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Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid Posted Nov 27, 2003
Della NZ is your territory.
I'll help if I can.
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 27, 2003
What's that supposed to mean? You drove him away from hootoo by following him everywhere and insulting him!
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- 21: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Nov 13, 2003)
- 22: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Nov 13, 2003)
- 23: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Nov 13, 2003)
- 24: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Nov 13, 2003)
- 25: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Nov 13, 2003)
- 26: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Nov 13, 2003)
- 27: Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid (Nov 27, 2003)
- 28: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Nov 27, 2003)
- 29: Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid (Nov 27, 2003)
- 30: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Nov 27, 2003)
- 31: Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid (Nov 27, 2003)
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