This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
25th December 2006 A warm Christmas
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Started conversation Dec 25, 2006
Well, here it is! Christmas 2006, and the first journal entry I have made in a year. (A bit of a shock to discover that, truly.)
Leon gave me an awesome DVD - the Star Trek Time Travel Collection, with some of the best episodes ever. We watched 'Yesterday's Enterprise', and then he got ready to go out with his girlfriend, a Glaswegian nurse called Katrina. To the cinema on Christmas Day, I hope they have fun!
I am playing a Scott Stapp album on the DVD player, really brilliant awesome stuff.
We are having the real family day tomorrow, because of the curse of the divorced family - the argument about which parents to visit.
I have received some nice last minute E-cards from some surprising people, and so I feel very blessed.
Which brings to the main point - wishing blessings for Christmas and for 2007 to all here on h2g2, with prayers for all their needs to be met, and for love and happiness, and remember, Jesus is the reason for the season!
(Yes, Matholwch, he wasn't always, but he is now!)
25th December 2006 A warm Christmas
azahar Posted Dec 25, 2006
Merry Christmas, DA!
It's still early on a chilly Christmas morning here so Nog and I are enjoying hot coffee in bed while we wait for the livingroom to heat up. It'll just be a quiet Christmas here with the two of us (and los gatitos). Planning to make a nice meal later on and open prezzies, then maybe watch a Christmas movie or two. And Nog has been reading A Christmas Carol out loud to me, which is lovely.
Wishing you and yours all the best for the season and the year to come.
25th December 2006 A warm Christmas
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Dec 26, 2006
We are lucky having a summer Christmas, and I am delighted that the weather people were comprehensively wrong, it was hot yesterday and the day before! We had the family thing yesterday, and it was excellent, with lots to eat and games of Scrabble that turned into grudge matches.
Next big thing is New Year - whivch I have always liked.
Noggin is reading you a 'Christmas Carol', how sweet, and somehow 19th century...
Have a brilliant day! (We have lots of leftover )
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25th December 2006 A warm Christmas
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