This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Assignment *finished*241002

Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Here it is sunny,sunny and sunny and even a bit warm!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!smiley - star!About 11.11 am, I handed in my last assignment for Learning Technologies in Education. I can't be the only person who second-guesses, and worries the moment something is irrevocably gone! It is as good as it can be, the best I can do within the parameters given.
I have two assignments for the dreaded LTP, and we'll see what becomes of that! Meanwhile, Jimmy has to schedule breathing as a timetable item, just as his brother had to in 1992. Four assignments in 3 days..smiley - sadfaceHe does his homework to 'Hybrid Theory' and 'Reanmimation' both by Linkin Park. I like to write to the tune of smiley - musicalnote 'Seventh Sojourn' by the Moody Bluessmiley - musicalnote (Or Muddy Boots, as someone I know named them).smiley - biggrin

Assignment *finished*241002

Post 2

Santragenius V

Sunny, sunny, sunny and even a bit warm....? smiley - sigh

At least it was sunny and perfectly clear blue sky on Saturday - but 'twas rather cold. I'd say 2-3°C...

Thx for the mental support for Denmark sticking to its guns - I have a feeling we need it smiley - winkeye Mother Russia is a quire intimidating foe...

I certainly must arrange to come back to NZ one day, hopefully with the family - been there once, to Queenstown (on a kinda mixed business/leisure thingy)

smiley - star

Assignment *finished*241002

Post 3

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

We haven't had a proper sunny summer for many years, SG.. It's very sad. smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star
You're welcome for the support. We'd love to have you drop by NZ.. it's supposed to be a safe place in time of war, so if you can't come on holiday..smiley - peacedove

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