This is a Journal entry by Phreako

My birthday

Post 61


Yes bad alabaster
The main reason I don't like alabaster is because it is boring.
The classic goo is just so much more colorful and interesting.
After discovering the wonders of classic goo, I could never again go back to alabaster.
I only used alabaster for the first day I used h2g2 because then I discovered goosmiley - smiley

My birthday

Post 62

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I used it for a while right before n2g2 (Nowhere2go2, also known as "The Foop"; when h2g2 was down for the move), mainly because everything loaded quicker. And I still use it every great once in a while if things seem to be running slowly or if I'm not signed in (which is rare!).

I'm hoping that when they redesign h2g2 (near future, I'm not sure when it's slated to be done) that GOO will have the efficency of Alabaster (cause, let's face it, having conversations near the top of the page is nice-- my page is long!), and some of the rest of the layout is nice.

My birthday

Post 63


How can you use it when you are not signed in?
When h2h2 moved, they made a temporary sight???

Yes, alabaster can be more efficient, I do occasionally go to it if things are slow but very rarely because it does annoy me since it is so bright and white.

Do you use frames or no frames?

I use no frames because I tried the frames once and it was really annoying.
Usually frames seem to make a site easier but I have always liked h2g2 much better without the frames.

My birthday

Post 64

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

smiley - blackcats don't show well on goo but that is the only bad thing I have to say about Goo as I love it and wouldn't leave it for the world, well maybe.

My birthday

Post 65

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Questions, questions....

I can use the basic Guide when not signed in-- I just can't post anything or write anything. (I use that at school because I don't want people messing around with my account, and besides, it probably interferes with "acceptable use" policies). Often times I just want to read through my messages and that's it.

During N2G2, we were all shunted to yahoo groups, where we had one massive forum. It was incredibly hard to keep up with, especially if you decided to jump in the middle of it like I did... smiley - tongueout ... and even harder to keep in touch with your friends. I ended up scrolling through the members list and finding the emails of my friends and just going from there. It was at yahoo that the Myth of 42 started... (I think)...

I use frames, mainly because I'm so used to them for this site. The original site was done with frames, and since I'm so used to my forums being organized in that way, I just leave it there. (I tried no frames for a bit... it just wasn't the same) I also browse in "expert" mode which doesn't do much now, but it preserves the logic of the original program.

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