This is a Journal entry by U2006

My return!

Post 1


Hello all! Just a quick entry too say i'm back, in case you hadn't noticed :-p

I've had such a wonderfull time in egypt, the things i've seen! The vally of the kings, everything like that!

I fully intend on writeing a proper guide entry on my travels but this is just a short note to say i've had such a wonderfull time. I've missed you all like mad!

No ONE mention the Doctor Who finale, i have to wait till friday untill i get to see it!

My return!

Post 2


Welcome back, my lips are sealed re. Doc. Who!! Glad you enjoyed the holiday trip.smiley - hug

My return!

Post 3


I had such a wonderfull time, thank's for droping in and saying hi! It's wonderfull to have you back smiley - hug glad everything is going well.

And in regards to Dr Who: They better be! smiley - laugh

My return!

Post 4


smiley - somersaultsmiley - hugHello lf, and welcome back!

Can't wait to hear all about your tripsmiley - bigeyes...

smiley - yikesBut I'm on my way to the airport now! I've got 3 smiley - musicalnoteconcerts in the next 4 days at a Bach festival about 900 miles from here.

See you from there sometime soon!smiley - ok
Glad to see that you're safely back and all fired up to write something wonderful about your recent adventures, though!

smiley - chocsmiley - rose

My return!

Post 5


Thanks Cyinthesis! It's nice to hear from you!

Yup i'm back, expect a guide entry soon enough. I like too write!

Good luck with your concerts, not that you'l need it, and have a great time. Keep me posted on how everything goes.

And thanks for the juice smiley - laugh

My return!

Post 6


Nice to have you back! I want to go to Eygpt, sounds great!

My return!

Post 7


Thanks for saying hi espinosa!

I'm sure you'l get to go to egypt at some point.

My return!

Post 8


I better or I'll get really annoyed and prbably go mad.

My return!

Post 9

Tom tamer of the lion

its good to see you back, Ive allways wanted to go to egypt to

My return!

Post 10


Thanks for saying hi Tom!

My return!

Post 11

Tom tamer of the lion

thats all right, dont worry about it

My return!

Post 12


I see you've changed your username again, I like it.

My return!

Post 13

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

Glad to see you back sounds can't wait to read about your hols.

My return!

Post 14

Tom tamer of the lion

thanks I like my new name to

My return!

Post 15


Yeh it's cool!

My return!

Post 16

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Egypt...and Doctor Who in the same journal!smiley - wow

Have you seen it yet? (The episode I mean) I *so* want to know what you thought of the smiley - tardis in the Egyptian hieroglyphics

smiley - rofl

My return!

Post 17


Yup Yup! I didn't know you haunted my journel but thanks!

I have! It was utterly fantastic, i cried my little eyes out! Didn't see the TARDIS in heiroglyphs though!

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