This is a Journal entry by Secludo Bogaloff-Biscuitbarrel from the Elastaplast Tribe

Cyberspace sickness

Post 1

Secludo Bogaloff-Biscuitbarrel from the Elastaplast Tribe

Jumping from virtual to actual reality after a session on H2G2 has begun to engender mild disorientation, with a definite experience of blurring of boundaries between the two distinct worlds. Going about my daily routine, I've noticed my concentration in the outer world wavering more and more, having become susceptible to intrusive thoughts and emotions associated with the various activities on the web. I find myself eagerly anticipating my messages and latest postings, and it is possible that total immersion in this alternative reality is a stone's throw away. The fear is I'm losing my grip and turning into a so-called cyberspace nerd? What's the betting that this compulsive and insidious affliction will soon appear under a diagnostic category in the DSM-IV? Will it be treated by virtual doctors and practitioners in the same way as OCD? Virtual pills, now there's a thing.

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