This is a Journal entry by Wyatt


Post 1


I decided I need a change, so I have temporarily switched from Brunel to Alabaster. I have always used Brunel, since that was what I started with, and until now, I found the other two skins positively awful. Especially GOO which is really annoying, plus it takes a long time to load on my slow dial-up connection. Now, I find Alabastar fairly tolerable and it loads pretty fast, which is a perk. So far, I like it pretty much.

In other news, I need some ideas on what Entries to write next. For a while, I was overwhelmed 'cause I had loads of ideas, but now none of them seem very good any more, or I decided I don't want to bother with them anyway. Right now, I have one pretty good idea I got last night and one other very tentative idea which I may or may not go through with after all. And I have looked around Challange H2G2, but I didn't really find anything interesting.

WB (42) smiley - dontpanic


Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

It's funny, i started in Alabaster ( changed my preferences directly from dark brunel to bright alabaster), and then changed to brunel years later. Now, if I change to alabaster, I find that it hurts my eyes and that I can't be bothered to type all the smileys etc, in other words: it'd be hard if I had to change back to alabaster. (Goo is unreadable for my eyes)
As for entries: why don't you finish those you have in PR first, before you start new ones? I think you should only write if you have the urge to write something anyway, if you have to search for a sunject, don't write - my smiley - 2cents


Post 3


I know, I wasn't planning on starting any new Entries until the ones in PR are picked. But I am still debating what to do next, once they are.


Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

I'd recommend you just wait until you get an idea *out of the blue*, but then that's just me maybe smiley - erm


Post 5


I did have an idea out of the blue last night, like I said, but I still need a few more good ones.... But still, no hurry.


Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Don't worry, they'll come, and quite unexpected,too, I guess. smiley - ok

What to write

Post 7

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

You have looked at Challengeh2g2, I assume?

What to write

Post 8


Yup, nothing at all caught my attention.

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