This is a Journal entry by Salmon42
My second book
Salmon42 Started conversation May 22, 2001
I don't have that much to discuss today, apart from the fact that I've just started writing my second book. It's a sequel to my first, which is entitled 'Singularity'... it's kind of a Bridget Jones meets the X-Files, a romantic comedy with a splattering of the paranormal for good measure. It's currently being sent to publishers by my agent, and I'm sitting on a knife-edge waiting for a result. Hopefully I should hear whether or not I have a publishing deal within the next three weeks... but all this waiting is mentally exhausting - especially when all I really want to do is quit work and start writing for a living. All is very quiet in TV land at the moment, and I'm bored stiff, sitting in my office and watching the hours go by - when I could be sitting outside in the sunshine.
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My second book
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