This is a Journal entry by Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Dec 1, 2001
It happens to me from time to time.
By the way, i've been, meening to ask this for ages. You say on your page that this is your second coming on H2G2. How long had you been a member in your previous incarnation, and what was your nickname ?
Sorry to be nosy !!!
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Dec 2, 2001
I popped in on and off for a couple of monts - but I completely forgot who I was - and my password, email etc. So the answer is, I do not know who I am, hence the name...
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Dec 2, 2001
Well that clears it all up. If you ever remember your nickname, maybe your old PS is still up somewhere !!
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Dec 2, 2001
If only I could - I've been trying on and off for six months! It'd be nice to regain my low UID - I'd then gradually transfer back across...
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