This is a Journal entry by Monkey's Uncle

Thief of Time

Post 1

Monkey's Uncle

My parents bought my the new Terry Pratchett book, 'Thief of Time', yesterday. I have to resist the urge to read it until after my last exam on Thursday.

Revision, or the Discworld. Hmmm...which would you choose?

Thief of Time

Post 2


Personally the book every time. And it is, this year I've read 4 books in my supposed 'revision' time.

Before my A-levels I had got a series of 4 books from the library, but didn't tell my mum and dad. I saw these books when I dropped them off at the airport for their holiday and persuaded my dad to buy them for me. He did, but on the strict instructions that I wouldn't read them until after the exams.
In all fairness I didn't read THOSE books, just the ones from the library.

Trust me though, do the revision it makes life a hell of a lot easier.

SallyM smiley - smiley

Thief of Time

Post 3

Monkey's Uncle

Actually, I'm doing quite well. I am reading the book, but only allowing myself to read a little bit a day -- usually I can't put Terry Pratchett books down at all until I've read them. Twice smiley - winkeye

I think that'd make a good guide entry (if there isn't one already) -- 'Things to do Instead of Revision'. I remember watching an entire series of Fawlty Towers instead of revising just before my GCSE History exam.

Thief of Time

Post 4


Well Sunbathing was a good one last week.
Being on H2G2.
Playing on my mates Playstation.
Actually tidying my room - not moving piles around.

I think you're onto a winner here.
I'm sure I can think of tonnes of other things

SallyM smiley - smiley

Thief of Time

Post 5

Monkey's Uncle

I find doodling to be quite a good one. You feel like you're achieving something, but all you're really doing is making your existing notes illegible.

Doodling throughout lectures is another vice of mine, although somebody told me that it's a good sign that I'm doodling, because it shows that I'm concentrating. I suspect they were just humouring me smiley - winkeye

Thief of Time

Post 6


Probably, I generally doodle when I'm very bored in finance lectures and not listening.

There is probably a scientific study into what you doodle meaning something about you.

Why don't you try and get a post grad studying this and be a perpetual student?

SallyM smiley - smiley

Thief of Time

Post 7

Monkey's Uncle

Studying students? I can't imagine a more terrifying idea!

Besides, I'd probably just doodle all over their work instead.

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