This is a Journal entry by Meleenia

What I've been up to

Post 1


Well, I have recently come off a week of poetry readings here in Lancaster (Pennsylvania, USA). It went considerably well with crowds of 20+ at most of the events. If you'd like to check out some of our poets, go to [url removed by moderator]. You can also see our calendar of events through that site. I have updated my publishing web site at [url removed by moderator]. I am moving my office up to the addition that was built onto my house soley for that purpose and for that of my writing. I must add here, that Douglas Adams was my greatest inspiration as a writer, and I am quite embarrassed that I have never submitted my work to be published. I am getting braver these days and should be ready to submit my novel very soon. I am thinking that this might be a good place to show my first chapter. Then people could read it and tell me if they want to know more. Hmm. thinking out loud here, sounds good.

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What I've been up to

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