This is a Journal entry by blubuster

Panic (again...)

Post 1


So, I tried to write this earlier today. I was about half way done (and a half hour into it) when it just disappeared. *POOF* GONE!!! I just about fainted. So, this is guaranteed not to be the same as what I was writing, but I'll try.

I've been contemplating what to do with this journal. Journals are to write, well, anything really that one wants to save. Electronic journals are, in particular, for making those things that you wish viewable to other people. But, you see, I already have one of those at (username blubuster if you were curious). I've been using that one for some time, and don't want to abandon it. Well, I guess I'll just have to have two journals for exactly the same reason.

Okay, so I just recently finished The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide which, as you all probably know, contains all of the books in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. When I was first presented with this book at the book store, I thought it a Bible. It has gold edged pages, a silk tassel in the binding, almost Bible-like delicate paper, and gold lettering & boarders on the book's hard, black cover. The book was an early birthday gift from my Mom. A friend had let me borrow the first book in the series; I started to read it, became severely interested in it, and then set it down never to read it again. You see, I wasn't used to reading at all. I just never liked it much. But, nonetheless, while walking through the mall with my mom she asked me what I wanted and I said, "a book." Of course, at the time I couldn't remember the name of the book or the author, but I described it to the store attendant anyway, and she was able to find it! I started the trilogy many times. I would start it, put it down, and pick it up again months later only to realize that I could remember any of the previous story. I eventually came to realize that that didn't matter. I had read and experienced the first half of the book several times, but rereading it would not change it even if I couldn't remember it. That first half would always be the same, and knowing the first half again would not lend itself too much to the rest of the story. That last part was key to me realizing that I should just keep reading, so I did. I don't remember when, but at some point I had purchased The Salmon of Doubt. I purchased it simply because it was written by Douglas Adams, and it seemed at continuation of the story. I hadn't even opened the covers until just a few days ago after having finished Mostly Harmless. I am saddened to realize that Douglas Adams has passed, but he has truly left behind a legacy. I can't wait to read the rest of The Salmon of Doubt, and then pick up some of the other books that he has written.

Well, the last time that I tried to write this, it was much better, and much more detailed, but that was in that moment, and this is a new moment. It can't be the same, and I would have written more (not just detail, but more on other things), but in this new moment I can't remember what it was that I was going to write in that moment (I'm not in a kitchen, but I think this might still qualify as "woking"). So, I guess this is it for now. I eagerly look forward to writing Guide entries soon.

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Panic (again...)

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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