This is a Journal entry by Becerikli

Done and over with

Post 1


Okay then. It's been a while. Too long a while, actually. Now, though, my civil service is over. Had loads of fun, met nice people (fancied one but he's probably straight) but now I'm done. Service is over, all 395 days of it and I'm back at my old job (which pays and has better opportunities to look busy while lurking at hootoo smiley - smiley). I even managed to find my login info to this place so dear people, I'm back. I missed you.

Done and over with

Post 2


smiley - cheers
You have been missed!

Done and over with

Post 3

cafram - in the states.

Rupert's back! smiley - hugsmiley - wow

Done and over with

Post 4


And his home Internet connection is down and these people here make him work and don't let him have any fun. smiley - sadface I'm hoping that the busybusydays are few.

Oh and by the way, hi Cafram. smiley - hug How's life on the new continent?

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