This is a Journal entry by Becerikli

So hard

Post 1


Yesterday was supposed to be a good day. After work we went with a colleague for a couple of ciders, after that we went to her flat for a bit of Playstationing. My favourite game show started and we started watching the Weakest Link. One of the contestors was an ex of mine, as handsome and clever as ever. He made it to the final round. In fact, no one voted for him to leave during the whole show. Not even one vote! He didn't win, though, poor chap.

I really miss him. Why is it so hard to get over some people? smiley - blue

So hard

Post 2

cafram - in the states.

smiley - sadface

smiley - hug

Some people just stick like that, whereas others you can get over straight away. The worst is when you think you're over someone, then you see them....and you realise you're not. smiley - sadface

smiley - cuddle

So hard

Post 3


smiley - cuddle
You are so right. Though, I really should learn to shut up sometimes.. I told a friend (who also knew this guy) and she decided that she's gonna do something about it.. Now it would seem this coming weekend I'm gonna go to a party and two dates.. smiley - yikes (It's a long weekend for us, next Friday is our Independence Day - a day off with full pay smiley - smiley)

So hard

Post 4

cafram - in the states.

hmm...could be good or could be bad - it's nice when people try to fix things, but it can get annoying too smiley - erm

Yay for the long weekend, anyway!! smiley - biggrin

So hard

Post 5


Well, I'm mostly taking this as an interesting experience. smiley - smiley This one bloke especially I've emailed with seems quite interesting - and even interested. Him I'm meeting on Sunday. I kind of hope we find each other as interesting live as we do by email.. Well, that remains to be seen. smiley - smiley

Happy Independence day! smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 6

cafram - in the states.

ooh good luck! My dad's been meeting with a new bloke he met online - I get to meet him tonight...hopefully he's not as bad as the last!! smiley - erm

Happy Independance Day smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 7


Good luck to you too, then. smiley - smiley From what I've gathered I'm sure he *cannot* be as bad.. (Hey, I'm a lurker after all, I've lurked at your journals too smiley - winkeye) The last guy I met online used me, lied to me and cheated on me. Then again, the bloke before that (the guy on the game show actually) was really loving and in every possible way good to me. Except that he lived over 600km away, which was a bit too much in the end. Yes, there are bad people but then there are really good people. One can only hope to meet one of the good guys and stear clear from the bad guys. Or something like that. smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 8

cafram - in the states.

I'd be surprised if *anyone* is as bad as the last one!! smiley - winkeye

Yep, there are always good ones and bad ones - the problem is telling them apart early enough!

So hard

Post 9


Me too, actually. I thought people like that exist only in movies. But now I got to go and clean up my flat, just in case.. smiley - winkeye

Later, sweetie. smiley - hug

So hard

Post 10

cafram - in the states.

Happy cleaning - have a great weekend! smiley - biggrin

So hard

Post 11


Oh dear.. Now I know exactly what Douglas meant when he wrote "Arthur woke up and instantly regretted it." smiley - hangover

Funny thing, though. After the party when we went to a bar and left our coats and things at the door, the ticket said my coat was number D42. smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 12

cafram - in the states.

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh so a good night then?!

Have some smiley - oj and fried fatty food smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 13


This is a bit unreal.. My today's date was charming, funny, romantic and quite cute actually. He even bought me dinner - I felt like a true lady. And he wants to see me again! smiley - biggrin

So hard

Post 14

cafram - in the states.

smiley - wow fantastic!! When's the next date?!

So hard

Post 15


Quite seriously looks like tomorrow.. smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 16

cafram - in the states.

Awesome! You excited?

smiley - wow

So hard

Post 17


*jumps up and down*
*claps hands*
*rummages through wardrobe, disqualifies everything*

No, not really. Why you ask? smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 18

cafram - in the states.

smiley - laugh

I tyhink I detect a shopping must go out and buy brand new things to make you fell *more* than wonderful! Screw the cost, just make sure you have a great night!

So hard

Post 19


And payday isn't until on Friday! smiley - yikes Well, I got a couple of decent things.. A moment ago I got a text message saying all day he's been thinking about a pair of beautiful brown eyes.. *HappySigh* I bet he's like Santa Claus; just when you get used to him, you find out he doesn't exist. I'd better enjoy it till then, right? smiley - smiley

So hard

Post 20

cafram - in the states.

*sigh* sounds wonderful smiley - smiley

Maybe maybe maybe this santa clause *does* exist?!

*fingers crossed*

smiley - santa

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