This is a Journal entry by span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate


Post 1

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

i am going to have some today

which is why i won't post anything more other than this until i have actually done some things in RL - cleaned toilet and bathroom, had lunch, done some exercise and made those appointments and phone calls that have been on my mind for over a month!

well that's the plan anyway.

but first I have to do the daily jigsaw...


Post 2

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

ok well i made the phone calls and appointments

and managed to clean the toilet, but not the bathroom

also had lunch

and did exercise!

but got fed up with the unusually hard daily jigsaw and had to come back to it later, when it took me nearly an hour to do!!! usually takes 15 - 25 mins smiley - sadface

ok well this is a good tool i shall use it again.

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