This is a Journal entry by span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate


Post 1

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

"I am the real left"

no you are the real impediment to the real left

ohhh now i'm getting nasty


Post 2


No, you're quite correct. There are none so wrong as those who think they have the only truth.


Post 3

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

you try telling her that!

she's been flaming me left right and centre (no pun intended) on an egroup and her initial flame said "unsubscribe me" (i'm the moderator, although it's unmoderated so all messages just go straight out) at the end, so that she would not have to read my reply, or anyone else's reply to her either! how rude!

so i sent a reply back, to the loop, saying that i really didn't think she would want to unsub and that i would wait until tomorrow night before unsubbing her, unless she said otherwise (i said some other things too, but nothing i thought was especially nasty or even that unkind, just warning type stuff eg reminding her of how certain other people, who she knows and despises, used to make comments very similar to her own).

this has further provoked her to now tell me and the whole egroup that i am "pathologically nasty" (!) and that she definitely wants to be unsubbed as soon as possible!

so i have unsubbed her and responded to her both to the list and to her personal email address (the same message).

i really hate it when people say something really quite provocative and nasty and then leave the conversation so you can never actually discuss with them what they meant, what you meant, what it all means, etc. just getting in a huff, flaming people, and leaving is no answer to conflict, especially when you are trying to build a leftwing (!) political movement!

thanks for listening (if anyone was listening!)


Post 4

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

it's just occurred to me that maybe she called me "pathologically nasty" because she had read my original journal post!!!! (posted before she wrote her reply)

although i'm pretty sure she couldn't possibly know i'm here...

the paranoid

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