This is a Journal entry by Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!
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Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Started conversation Jul 7, 2003
Trying to think, There isn't really much that has happened since my last entry worth writing about. I lie. There is but it's about the aforementioned boss so I'm going to give it a miss. Silly Alex.
Nothing much, other than pissing my housemate Suzie off by demonstrating that the trousers she gave me two months agao, that were slightly tight, now hang off me, Woot! This is a good thing! I'm not going to harp about being fat and wanting to lose weight and look like a supermodel becasue thats never going to happen. I even admit that I'm not that large, just a bit pudgy.But... I'm getting to a point where I'm happy with the way I look. Eventually. I'm going to log off now before I bore any prospective readers to death.
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Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Jul 21, 2003
Ho? Hello? Anyone there? (echoes bounce off the walls, this place sounds desolate and empty.)
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