This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald


Post 41

The Cybercontroller from Telos

>God's people have a duty to discern who is in Christ and who is not.

Thing is Sam that it seems that you decide which christian group have that right.


Post 42

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Sam, here's a website you linked to:

The gist is a comparison between the Holocaust and abortion in the US. So your website considers the Holocaust a "bad thing", and yet you consider it justified punishment by god. How do reconcile this?


Post 43



So you keep saying, but you never say *how* you know you've been chosen by God. Don't you find it the eensiest bit of a coincidence that many of your closest family/friends have also been chosen when the majority of the world's population hasn't been?



Post 44



All of God's children know when He hath chosen them, because the Spirit testifies to that, as in Romans 8.

Christians live their lives according to the voice of God. They LISTEN and OBEY.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 9:39-41)


Post 45

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Sam, can you explain how your website (see above, says the Holocaust was wrong, but you say it was a righteous act of God killing the wicked?


Post 46


'Thankfully, many of my closest family / friends have had their sins washed away by the blood of The Lamb.'

smiley - erm

Would that be the blood of the literal wooly-haired, cloven hoofed, quadruped? Or is that a moment when the Word of God is 'obviously' metaphoric?

Give my ass a break, 'cause you sure as hell aren't talking to my brain.


Post 47

Jock Tamson's Bairn


So you keep saying, but you never say *how* you know you've been chosen by God. Don't you find it the eensiest bit of a coincidence that many of your closest family/friends have also been chosen when the majority of the world's population hasn't been?


No, actually, SlamDunk can tell he's been chosen by the way his uncle passes money (siphoned off your taxes) around the whole family.

The wean.


Post 48

The Cybercontroller from Telos

I wonder if Sam is planning to use his personal connections to god for cricket? Wonder if he damns most of them too?


Post 49

Jock Tamson's Bairn

Lord Omega,

I think that you will find that Slam already used his connections to God on the footie.

The wean.


Post 50

The Cybercontroller from Telos

I wonder if he just helps those sponsered by uncle Vardy?


Post 51

Jock Tamson's Bairn

He'll be too busy spending the backhanders that come out of the education system.

The wean.


Post 52


I'm not quite sure how I found myself here smiley - erm, but what a load of fanatical twaddle! Isn't it strange how the people who make the biggest deal out of being "Christians" are the least Christian people you could ever meet??? I'm not religious, but didn't Christ preach forgiveness not revenge???? And how come God didn't strike down that famous sinner Mary Magdalene????

Grow up - if you're aiming to be all the things you say you want to be in your Personal Space.....time to gain a small amount of maturity, I think.


Post 53

Jock Tamson's Bairn

Hi, elentisa.

Welcome to...

...the plughole of the universe...

...the place where irony and fantasy...

...combine with love and romance... produce...

...irony and fantasy and love and romance...

...and God...

...may not be a fascist, quite.

Something is making me think of that Will&Grace that has the cooking class and the joke about Master Bakers. Not sure what, though.

The wean.


Post 54


the plughole of the universe...

...But apparently better than "the cess pit", where apparently Sam says his work "is done". Did you notice anybody getting converted, or even vaguely persuaded, Jock?


Post 55


Sam, would you consider yourself responsible if people who read your 'preaching' are not only not convinced to 'repent' but are actually convinced that all Christianity, and especially your brand, is b*llsh*t, and decide never to 'repent'? I only ask because in however long you've been here you have only managed to get people royally p*ssed at you, and decide that they would *rather* go to hell than heaven if you and people like you were in heaven. Does that make you feel even a little bit guilty? After all, your words have convinced people *not* to repent. In effect, many of the people you've spoken to on here (and probably in real life) are going to hell, and it's partly your fault.

I know what you'll say, that you've done your duty and it's not up to you who is saved, and god decides that arbitrarily anyway, but I wonder why you use your fire and brimstone approach when it's obvious that no one's responding. Why not try something different?


Post 56

Jock Tamson's Bairn

It's a Freudian rebellion, perhaps?

Tony Blair probably went through the same experience.

I'd just like to say that my pocket kite was brilliant. It flew on its own, (mainly at night) but, one day, took free of its moorings and headed forest-wards at high speed. The handle skited along the ground at a fast run (so that's me out), up over the phone cable, on to the ground again, and then got caught on an oak tree at about 15 feet up.

Such excitement. It makes heli-skiing look wimpy.

Anyway, Sam is clearly trying to rebel as much as he can. Look at the dropped clues of resentment for evidence. I always thought he might be a cry for help, but the arrogance pushed me back.

My mistake?

The wean.


Post 57



How do you know that no one has responded? I am doing what the Lord told me to do - to PREACH the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.


Post 58

Jock Tamson's Bairn

"How do you know that no one has responded? I am doing what the Lord told me to do - to PREACH the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will do the rest."

Right, Slam. Only if you put the Holy Spirit on crack.

The wean.


Post 59


Apart from Good News who was already a Baptist *no one* who has responded on these threads has been agreeing with you, and no one has commented thanking you for fixing their lives, have they?


Post 60


Quite wrong. A number of posters have expressed agreement with me here, such as Neil_Ballymena and there is Pastor W on the Christian board.

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