This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald


Post 1


Yesterday was rather exhausting. Although Italy is only a very short hop from England, for some reason I was unusually tired yesterday and did not venture far from my villa. Went down into the village late afternoon and then came back and lazed around the pool. We went out to a averagey sort of restaurant last night. The meal was somewhat lukewarm, and I am not quite sure on why Italians insist on serving artichokes with everything, but they did serve a rather good vintage.

This we went down to the lake and did a spot of waterskiing, followed by a very long lunch back at a villa and the compulsory siesta. We played a rather appauling nine holes before dinner, and we are now sitting out on the balcony discussing the affairs on the day.

I see the police have picked up another few terrorist suspects in Birmingham today - good job, lads! Now let's get on with the business of deporting them and the rest of the madcap mullahs.

More later...


Post 2


smiley - biggrin

Okay, I get it. You think you're Jude Law!

Well, that explains a lot . . .



Post 3


Well it was miserable here today so I think your day was better than mine. As for this terrorist, if he is guilty, perhaps the death penalty would be the best thing (if it was legal again). But I do agree that we should start deporting these radical clerics who stir up hatred and violence against the UK. These people are a danger to our country and should be sent packing.


Post 4

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

So when are you and GoodSam planning on leaving then?


Post 5


'So when are you and GoodSam planning on leaving then?'

That is a very hurtful thing to say. I would never dream of killing or supporting the killing of innocent people-and my own country men at that. I do want some of Britian to change but that is by changing the hearts of people and in parliament. This terrorism is just plain evil and the people who have done should be brought to justice.

And I really don't know how you can say that. I don't see what gave you the idea that I would support these people's actions.


Post 6


So when are you coming back from sunny Italy to miserable Britain? And have you finished your course at university?


Post 7

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

you said

"But I do agree that we should start deporting these radical clerics who stir up hatred and violence against the UK. These people are a danger to our country and should be sent packing."

You preach hatred. By your count there are very few born agains like you - so your hatred is directed against the majority of the UK. I was just applying the logic of your statement. If you happen to fallen into that category, that's your problem. Perhaps you should change your behaviour?


Post 8


'By your count there are very few born agains like you '

Could you give me a quote where I said that please? Sam did say it (take no offense here Sam) but that does not mean I said it. I am getting rather annoyed by the fact that whenever Sam says something, you assume I completely agree with him.

'so your hatred is directed against the majority of the UK'

Well the fact is, the vast majority of the UK are not evangelical Christians. That is a fact. However, it does not mean I hate them. My parents are both agnostics-do I hate them? And the answer to that, before you answer, is no. I love them because they are my parents. And likewise, I love the people of the UK, one because most of them are very nice people and second, because the Lord commands it.

'I was just applying the logic of your statement.'

No you were not. You were just trying to offend me and make me seem like a hate-filled monster. I said we should deport these people who call for murder of British people and jihad in the UK. You might want these people shouting for your death but I don't (at least not in this country). But please tell me, when have I said that?

You really should think before you start trying to offend people.


Post 9


Should we be deporting people who support the wholesale slaughter of innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians from 30.000 feet?

I'm sure you wouldn't want people to get the impression that you value British lives more than the lives of our foreign brothers and sisters.


Post 10



That is completely irrelevant to this point. If people who came to live here preach that we should all be murdered and plot the death of British people then they should be sent packing. Do you agree or disagree? Yes or no?


Post 11


>>Do you agree or disagree? Yes or no?<<

Yes. I agree or disagree.


Post 12


Well which is it? Agree or disagree? (And please don't give another smart-alec reply...)


Post 13


I'm disinclined to answer your question until you have answered mine.


Post 14

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Sorry for mis-attributing that statement to you Good_News. But you agree with the fact of it anyway...

You beleive, and proselityze the fact that all non-born agains (the majority of those in the UK) deserve (and will) suffer hideous torture in the afterlife. This is preaching hatred. It's a thin line that separates preaching punishment in the afterlife, and punishment in this life. So, you're a whiskers difference from the clerics you describe. I say if were going to do some serious deporting, just to make things simple, let's not worry about those small differences, and just ship off anyone who preaches hatred.


Post 15

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi GSM and GN smiley - biggrin

I look forward, with some amusement it must be said, to the introduction of one of the laws that our illustrious government will force through on the back of the latest outrages.

This being the law regarding the 'Incitement of religious hatred'. A group of pagan barristers are preparing a case to show how stupid this law is. In this case they will demand that all copies of the Bible are recalled and cite over 110 instances in which this book incites religious hatred, starting with "Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live".

The book also encourages Christians to commit murder by stoning people for a wide range of minor offences. I have taken the time to attend evangelical services on many occasions (my daughter is a member of a church youth group) and watched your TV channels. I have lost count of the number of times I have been told that God's law is above man's and thus these Biblical punishments should still be enacted.

As for terrorists one doesn't stop terrorism by killing the perpetrators. You have to examine the root causes, find the initial injustice and then put it right. People do not just strap explosives to themselves out of spite.

Matholwch /|\


Post 16



You are right to be offended by that particular scripture!

We Christians are no longer required to execute witches, that verse certainly illustrates what Almgihty God thinks of your religion! If Blair is stupid enough to mess with scripture, he will do that at his peril. God does not take kindly to those who act for the devil in attempting to silence his children.

You CANNOT go around casting spells, brewing potions, placing curses on people and that sort of thing. You are invoking the power of the Devil when you do so, although you do not realise it.

Now, in relation to terrorism, I shall place some more thoughts on that later today. But suffice to say, I believe as many as possible ought to be executed. All this baloney about 'root causes' just feeds their love of murder and death. The root cause is simple. These people are born of the devil, and are filled with his demons. They need to be taken out by man, and despatched forthwith to the fires of hell, and then Almighty God will deal with them properly come Judgement Day when he casts them into the lake of fire.


Post 17

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi GSM smiley - biggrin

Let's get something straight shall we - I am not a witch, nor do I practice witchcraft, though I have many friends who are and do.

I am a druid. I do not "go around casting spells, brewing potions, placing curses on people and that sort of thing". I suggest you read my edited guide entry on Druidry.

The law is a stupid one that has in other countries (such as Australia) led to the ending of inter-faith dialogue and more strife than it was designed to prevent.

Your comments on terroism are just dumb. Have not sixty years of Israel meting out Biblical justice upon it's enemies taught you nothing? Israel is less secure now than it has been at any time since its founding. With every act of vengeance it creates more people willing to die to oppose it, and that little spat has now rolled onto our doormat.

Are we to make the same mistakes or follow the word of your Saviour and 'Turn the other cheek', 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' and not forgetting the golden rule. You gain nothing by returning hate for hate, you must apply wisdom and find out what injustice drives these people and then remove it.

The money that America has poured into its revenge for 911 could have eliminated the debt of every poor muslim country and provided healthcare and education at a level previously unknown for all their people. It could have been the christian benefactor, not crusader. Sure a few fanatics would have remained but it would not be long before their own supporters turned upon them as they would see America as a beacon of hope not the supporter of murder and injustice.

Instead we drive out the religious loonies in Afghanistan and replace them with genocidal drug/war lords. Then we invade Iraq on a false pretext, dismantle its entire military and governmental structure at a stroke and then look hurt when the country collapses into civil war.

An eye for an eye works both ways and becomes a vicious circle until someone is willing to step out of it and react with true love. Something you seem happy to refuse. I do wonder what the man Jesus thinks of you now.

Matholwch /|\

More of a christian than you will ever be.


Post 18

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

"Now, in relation to terrorism, I shall place some more thoughts on that later today. But suffice to say, I believe as many as possible ought to be executed. All this baloney about 'root causes' just feeds their love of murder and death. The root cause is simple. These people are born of the devil, and are filled with his demons. They need to be taken out by man, and despatched forthwith to the fires of hell, and then Almighty God will deal with them properly come Judgement Day when he casts them into the lake of fire."

Can he not just smite them?'s another one for you "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

I cannot respect your comments GSD as you do not respect mine, nor anyone else who dares disagree with you.


Another one who is more christian than you will ever be


Post 19



Well I forgive you for that but I still do not preach hatred. I preach that you are on your way to Hell but you can escape it if you repent. I preach that Christ loved the world so much that He died for them and you can get into Heaven by accepting that. That is not hatred.

Is it preaching hatred to say that if you walk along a railway line you are likely to die? Of course it is not. Well this is the same. I am preaching the equivalent that you are walking along a railway line and you need to get off! And if I hated you, I would not plead with you to get off-I would tell you to stay on!

Besides, I only said we should deport migrants who preach death and murder against the UK. With British citizens, it is more complicated.


Post 20

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

The death penalty ain't very complicated

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